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By the Bay and On the Dock

Drag the old bones forward to the dock Feel the cold wet bricks on weathered feet Through holes in worn out leather shoes Feel the brass handle of your crooked cane Trembling to support your ancient footing Through the fog there is nothing left to see After 3:00 am darkness fills in as company Wood planks come up from out of nowhere Indicate you’ve reached your destination Stand silent on the boardwalk by the bay Hear the rippled waves touch the souls of rocks One false step could land you in the drink There is no end to what the waters depths might mean If the tide rolls in it will return tomorrow But tonight an old woman comes by Taps you on the shoulder in surprise If you turn and she has wrinkles, kiss her Hold her hand and smile Hope the dock supports your plan

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/31/2022 4:44:00 AM
Creative work you have penned in this one. Thanks for sharing. Sara
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Earl Schumacker
Date: 10/31/2022 10:26:00 AM
Hi Sara, It is good to hear from you. Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day. Take care, Earl

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