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Buzzy Buzz

Dog eat dog world Awakes to new dawn; Paradoxical gains Words and yet more Empty words dilute; Cold comfort frozen Headlines sensation Bad news in vogue; Catchy decadence Muse upon feeling Profound thought; Self-realization lights Mood swings highlight Psychic trauma; Pain instigates Skybridge running track 26 floors above; Senior citizens jog Look to this day To do something good; Saturday cat nap Set routines To-Do List unfurls; Time is never enough Much ado About nothing new; Changes re-order Ideas rule the world Change agents -- Come and go abruptly Worn-out old pavilion Two weary workers; Chat over beer repast Busy passage conduit People hurry briskly; Haphazard side stepping Busy networking Trying to get ahead; Lost in the crowd Visual impact dazzle Too much colour; Not much insight Takeaway counter Pre-order your drink blend; Beverage on-the-fly Leon Enriquez 04 July 2014 Singapore

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 7/5/2014 12:04:00 PM
- Some think that it is so easy to write haiku poems - but I know it is not right - But, yours coming like beads on a string - I enjoy them all - Bravo, Leon!! - Have a nice weekend. - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Enriquez Avatar
Leon Enriquez
Date: 7/6/2014 7:52:00 PM
Dear Anne-Lise: Thanks for your support. Yes, haikus can be very challenging to write. To me, I sit back and let the feeling heart hurl such outbursts and let the words come. I normally pen about 11 or more pieces in one sitting. I write whatever comes to mind. When I finish, I will then edit and smoothen each fragment. Just to share with you how haikus arrive. Each one has an inner glow. Leon
Date: 7/4/2014 2:49:00 PM
Hi Leon! Allow me to be the first to comment positively on this beautiful set of haiku. I love reading each one and stopping to think over it...there are always hidden meanings that the mind looks for. I enjoy the exercise! cu my friend. // paul
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Leon Enriquez
Date: 7/4/2014 10:09:00 PM
Dear Paul: Thanks. Glad you enjoyed these fragments. Leon

Book: Reflection on the Important Things