But the Pictures Get In the Way
Reading a poem feeds the mind,
Touches the heart with what it says,
Wisdom, delight, there I find
But the pictures get in the way.
Vivid lines paint good images,
They take me places any day.
Poems are lovely, way down the page-
But the pictures get in the way.
Good poems can stand well on their own
With one or two pictures, okay.
Too much may make its merit drown
'Cause the pictures get in the way.
All rights reserved~~~Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~~06.02.15
A kyrielle is made of quatrains that rhyme. Each stanza (that is a quatrain) has a line that repeats, so a line from a previous stanza. That line usually (but does not necessarily have to) be the last line in the stanza.
Each line in the poem has eight syllables. There is no limit to the number of stanzas. Usually there are three or more stanzas.
Any type of rhyme scheme can be used.
Copyright © Cynthia Buhain-Baello | Year Posted 2015
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