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Bustling City

Poet's Notes

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July- 23-2024
Eight Words Poetry Contest
Sponsor - Joseph May


In the glare of SYNTHETIC neon lights, The metropolitan city is awake even at night. Distracting noises EMENATE from all corners, Peace is not found in the bustling crowd. Vehicles pass screeching their horns Life is never still in this SWIRLING city Sirens wail, humans brush past, all strangers. One can get easily lost in the maze of streets. Everything's artificial and nothing is natural. People chase ILLUSION and move about in panic, They stray to satisfy their desires in TIMELESS span But are left dissatisfied and disillusioned. In their hearts BLOSSOM a thousand dreams. But like roses that wither away in the wind, Dreams and aspirations crumble as sand castles. With a jolt, they realize that they were after mirages. How they long for the RUSTIC calm and peace, Where people have time to care about their fellow men, Where life moves at a relaxed pace with less competition, And one can listen to the sonatas of birds in SILENCE.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 7/29/2024 8:37:00 AM
You have written this with so many great imagery and metaphors Dear V. You have weaved so much truth in the world. The countless flaws and noise from people. "Everything's artificial and nothing is natural. People chase ILLUSION and move about in panic, They stray to satisfy their desires in TIMELESS span but are left dissatisfied and disillusioned." I guess the unnatural things are more attractive and make people happy. They Chase chaos instead of peace, light instead of darkness. I hope they-
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Tonye George
Date: 7/29/2024 8:38:00 AM
Find their way before they go too deep into the forest of doom. I hope they get back on track and fulfil their real purpose on earth and turn to light. Congratulations on this wonderful piece V.
Date: 7/27/2024 10:13:00 AM
Hi Valsa, Congratulations my friend on your well deserved win. A brilliant poem with such apt descriptions of a bustling city. Hugs and blessings, Jennifer.
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Date: 7/27/2024 8:51:00 AM
Back with Congratulations on your win. I enjoyed reading your wonderful "Bustling City" write again.  Have a blessed weekend with your win.......................
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Date: 7/27/2024 8:37:00 AM
beautiful. Congratulations dear poet. Happy writing.
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Date: 7/27/2024 5:10:00 AM
"In a bustling city peace is not found" Very nicely done Valsa, Congrats on your win
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Date: 7/25/2024 6:06:00 AM
Wow! Yours is so much more better than mine:) good work, Valsa:)
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Date: 7/24/2024 8:48:00 PM
Your poem is a realistic description of city life. It is too hectic for me. Best wishes for the contest.
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Date: 7/24/2024 9:10:00 AM
You describe your city so well. Your use of those chosen words is sublime. Your poem is a well-constructed poem. Best for a win.
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Date: 7/24/2024 2:32:00 AM
"In their hearts BLOSSOM a thousand dreams." -- "With a jolt, they realize that they were after mirages." We see nothing as it really is. Indeed, take your foot off the accelerator every once in awhile, and reintroduce yourself to all the love you are missing.
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Date: 7/23/2024 2:45:00 PM
Enjoyed this poem Valsa…wonderfully descriptive! Debx
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Date: 7/23/2024 1:33:00 PM
I enjoyed reading your wonderful "Bustling City" write. I love a busy city then come home to the quiet. "Good Luck" We both did this one. Have a wonderful day writing away.....................
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Date: 7/23/2024 12:14:00 PM
great imagination, for a city that have many attractivities, some details will shine in N.Y, i am for harmony between nature and city, you made the point brilliantly, great work poet
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Date: 7/23/2024 11:50:00 AM
City life youv explained so well dear valsa, in such a detailed manner, and youv used all the words so seamlessly in this write ensuring they fit in very well! Love the fact that youv shared also a picture that shows what youv described here in such a poetic rhythm: I especially loved “ like roses that wither away in the wind, Dreams and aspirations crumble as sand castles.” What a simile and how descriptive! This made me think and feel so much of how many need to sometimes slow down, embrace the moment and just go with the flow! Im more of an island girl altho sometimes i do love city life too: pleasure reading your work: best wishes for the contest .
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Date: 7/23/2024 10:21:00 AM
Love this poem and brilliant use if eight words. Sure winner for me in contest.
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