Broken Wings
As the sun arose in the eastern skies
a fairy princess sits rubbing her eyes.
Yawning she glimpses her magical isle
and her tiny lips, curl into a smile.
Standing she stretches in her treetop bed,
anxious anticipates what lies ahead.
She flutters her wings to get them ready,
raising one knee, she jumps slow and steady.
Hovering like, a hummingbird she glides
then races off with both arms at her sides.
With lots to see her day has just begun,
she never stops until the setting sun.
Racing through the forest over fields of wheat
smelling the flowers, is her daily treat.
Talks to the butterflies this sunny morn,
tests the fresh honey and tastes some sweet corn.
Spotting a pond sparkling like a mirror
zooms back and forth each time getting nearer,
watching her reflection, no time to think
crashed in a deer who had just stopped to drink.
Later discovers she’s broken her wings,
Lies in bed knowing what carelessness brings.
Six months of bed rest was taking their toll,
this fairy princess was losing her soul.
Finally the day came to test her wings
her will is determined her heart now sings,
shouts out with joy as she reaches the sky,
nothing feels greater, than when you can fly.
Iambic Pentameter
Written by Brenda Meier-Hans
Contest: Sketch a Fictitious Character II
Copyright © Brenda Meier-Hans | Year Posted 2015
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