Bright Lights
Why Yes, I DO realize...
I'm butt naked in the middle of the road
And NO Officer, I DON'T know how I got here
NOR the whereabouts of my clothes
The last thing I DO remember
I was heading to work and all was fine
Wait a that I think about it
There was this bright light?!
At the moment I was inserting my key
Into my heap that I sometimes call a ride
My friendly neighbor was waving to me
On the row of hedges from the other side
There was a strange humming sound from above
Both of us looked up in awe
Then I remember bright lights shooting down
That's the very last thing that I saw
NO, I HAVEN'T been drinking!
NO, I'm NOT insane!
It's only 9:30 in the morning!
Of course I have no idea what day?!
You want me to get in the back seat?
And tell the Judge what it is that I saw?
To tell the truth Officer, I'm not sure I can sit down
For some odd reason my butts a tad bit raw...
Copyright © Mike Hauser | Year Posted 2016
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