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Blue Jay

blue wings dipped in gray circle nest of hollow shells - spring mist turns to rain 5/12/20

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/8/2020 12:00:00 AM
Rhonda! A perfectly lovely haiku of blue jay, shells, and mists mingled. So what happened on May 12th of this year that sparked such a full-fledged return to Poetry Soup? Whatever it was, I'm very happy for you and for us Soupers who are the blessed recipients. Blessings ~ John
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Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Date: 7/12/2020 5:55:00 PM
Thanks for all your visits, John. What happened to keep me away is more of a story than why I came back on May 12th. To make a long story short, I struggle with chronic migraines that led to depression that led to me not leaving the house much. The pandemic hasn't helped either. I thought writing again would be therapeutic, but it's difficult to concentrate because of my medication, so I just write when I can. I feel like I can always return to the Poetry Soup community which is nice. Blessings, Rhonda xx
Date: 5/12/2020 6:43:00 PM
oh Rhonda it is SO wonderful to see you back on soup and you have come back with such a gorgeous poem:-) hugs Jan xx
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Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Date: 5/12/2020 9:52:00 PM
Thank you, Jan! It's great to be back, and I'm happy to see you're still here.
Date: 5/12/2020 5:32:00 PM
This is beautiful! ~mo
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Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Date: 5/12/2020 9:47:00 PM
Thank you, mo!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry