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Blood and Bullets

Inspired by the Connecticut tragedy and another minor shooting that happened in my home state ------------------------------------- Blood and Bullets That night we cried ourselves to sleep For each of the little children the blood did weep Serve upon this misery and damage No words will excuse the savage The vultures swoop, spread the sugar coated lies But still the frozen child dies Yet they still wish to remove what little safety we have But they fail to see that will not stop the slings and arrows they have For the media projects the fame they crave Like wild dingos they consume what we fail to save Serve and protect is not the duty of just some but all as a whole ALL AS A WHOLE And we fail And we fail The cameras prance around like costumed horses in a dance All the while the mud splattered reality burns and singes the lines of damned fantasies We are to blame, shining glitter and fame on the damned souls that should be burned We spit acidic words of hate all the while praising them in glittering spectral lights of fame They do not heed the angry words, but revel in the talk of them...them.. Them... It's All About THE KILLER Blood and bullets pollute the spoiled ground but no one cares for the rotten Sadness rings through for a week but soon the victims are forgotten But no one forgets the criminal...Infamous He is immortalized by the fame...fame...infamous Blood and bullets Blood and bullets Blood and bullets Blood and bullets Blood stains Bullets jump dead forgotten left rotten Monster remembered remembered Blood and bullets Blood and bullets

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 1/2/2013 6:12:00 PM
Interesting approach to the tradegy..All of America felt the pain of that day..Sara
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Date: 12/16/2012 3:59:00 AM
SUH-WEET write ;) Love it :) shall be in mai favs :D Always, Laura
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