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Big Head

I have a ridiculously large head, I think I’d opt for a smaller one instead. Oh, sure, you say that it suits me fine, That’s because yours isn’t near as big as mine. I bet that it weights at least thirty pounds, It looks even bigger than it sounds. When I lay it down on my waterbed, A tsunami rises so my wife has said. When I go to try on winter hats, The clerk gives me ones with ventilation slats, That way when it’s not on sitting my dome, It can be used as a guest room for my home. My giant head is entirely too big, Someday archeologists will venture on dig, They’ll think that I came from the highland, On the west end of Easter Island. Little kids stare up at my noggin, They think it could be used for a toboggan. Or a shed to hold random hodgepodge, That clutters things up in their dad’s garage. Don’t tell me that it’s due to my intellect, It makes your judgment sound suspect. It’s because my brain is fashioned like a brick, And my skull is so very, very thick.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 11/29/2011 4:08:00 PM
Yep i've always had a big head, hurt the horses foot instead, when he kicked me oh so kind, lame for a week and up the creek was my old horse valentine. great poem Tony, mate.....
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Date: 11/26/2011 4:24:00 PM
Maybe you know more with your treasure. Don't knock it, you are used to it! PS I don't think your head looks big at all!
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Date: 11/25/2011 1:31:00 PM
lol, you are hilarious Tony.. I tell them at home my head is formed like a rugby ball.. I think I am in a better space then you ;) just kidding.. me shy? never, you should hear the crazy things I get up to from time to time ;)
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Date: 11/23/2011 3:00:00 PM
LOL, I'm chuckling imagining this : )
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Date: 11/22/2011 3:03:00 PM
Cute..I got a chuckle or two..Now I know what is wrong with my husband size 8 plus head..I always thought it but now I know...Thanks for stopping by..Your comments are encouraging..Sara
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Date: 11/22/2011 10:48:00 AM
Oh, TONY, you do crack me up! I, too, have a very, very thick skull. Love the way you think and then slap it on paper. I always enjoy your writes. I meant to tell you, my girl has responded to antibiotics well. Thanks for your prayers! She is scheduled for an ultrasound, to make sure all her wee internals are where and how they should be. If you have time for one more prayer, it would surely be appreciated. Cheers, chum. You stop the world from gettin' a bit to glum...
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