Beautiful Distraction
She calls you up and speaks your name
you change your plans like that
Now you'll never get through
what you started to do
Intentions all squashed flat
She walks in from the bus stop
her feet are soaking wet
In fuzzy slippers, flowered shawl
and burgundy fish nets
Her braided hair is frizzy now
done up black and red
She takes your hand and kisses you
as she pulls you towards the bed
She spills her chocolate milkshake
with a fling of her free arm
Her clumsiness just makes her mad
but it’s all part of her charm
She flits happily about you
like a dainty butterfly
And views the world in wonderment
forever asking why
There’s a playful charm about her
that helps set her apart
She's a beautiful distraction
who's out to win your heart
FOR NATALIE written about my youngest son's girlfriend
Copyright © Gayle Rodd | Year Posted 2017
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