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There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone

Watching from the heavens he sees is a wooden casket. A few seconds go by and everything goes completely black. The casket opens up slowly and the site is at the cemetery in which Mr. Farnsworth was buried. People returned to their vehicles walked backwards and slowly drove away driving backwards. Two days earlier Mr. Farnsworth opens his eyes and finds himself lying at the bottom of his swimming pool. He slowly floats up and rolls onto the concrete that surrounds the built-in pool. Cracking his skull he fly's up the 10' ladder he stood on to change the blown-out bulb. He then slowly climbs down and stares at his wife as she walked backwards towards him with the replacement bulb. He Then focuses his attention on Riley his golden retriever and a squirrel that are both running backwards as well. It looks like the squirrel is chasing the dog. He then puts down the glass of iced-tea and takes a sip and watches the tea as it slowly rises up to the pitcher, he lifts up the pitcher and walks backwards to the refrigerator, shuts the door and then opens it. He then throws away the napkin, wipes his face and starts to finish eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, as he eats it with every bite the sandwich gets bigger until it gets back to its original shape. He un-spreads the peanut butter and jelly, puts the lids on the jars, and puts the two slices of bread back in the bag. Say hello to Mr. Oswaldo Farnsworth who lives in a small town called Backwardsville one mile north of Nowhereville. He's about to relive his life in what the world around him knows as normal. In a world around him that everything and everyone moves backwards. In a place about two miles south of Somewhereville just outside the outskirt's town of Twilightzoneville. taking a step back everything moving backwards in the twilight zone

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 1/7/2025 7:54:00 AM
Hi Charles, a mysterious zone that humankind knows little of - now as Mr. Farnsworth is from Twilightzoneville, perhaps he should fill us in about this zone, but going backwards only would worry me, for at some stage I will die again, now have I maybe moved forwards briefly in order to die, or when one day, supposing I was Mr. Farnsworth, die, will I wake up to a previous life, not to the one where I woke up in this story, but going backwards into eternity will I therefore die, wake up, go backwards, die, wake up, go backwards into Eternityville? 'In a world around him that everything and everyone moves backwards, like the film 'FIFTY FIRST DATES.' An intriguing tale Charles - well written. Blessings, Jenny
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Date: 1/6/2025 9:17:00 AM
In the Twilight Zone, everything is possible. Great story.
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Date: 1/1/2025 9:19:00 PM
Quite a chilling verse Charlie, anything is possible, I'm sure there are other dimensions that sometimes over lap ours, won't be long before scientists discover portals in to others. 'The Mist' was fantasy or was it.? Happy New year.. Tom
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