April the Bangle Cat
April my Bangle cat hates my Lap Top The thing is I can't type and pet her at the same time She has a habit of being the center of attention you know And when my attention is needed elsewhere it drives her mad Just now I shut her out of the office And I can hear her raging back and forth past the closed door Meowing from deep within her being as if it were the end of the world I wouldn't put up with this from my son when he was young Or from my wife when she was mad at me for one thing or another But there's something about being loved by a wild thing that appeals to me The way she reaches out and hooks your clothing when you try to pass her by The way she takes you in with her eyes studying the way you move Not to mention that the sound of her purring works better than any tranquilizer Or cup of hot chocolate I have ever used to calm my nerves I was a tough guy once A Viet Nam vet standing cocked to one side on an artificial leg Times where different then Who knew I would be the last man standing Me and April together one day at a time With such a long long way to go
Copyright © Michael Ainsley | Year Posted 2013
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