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And In Rhapsody and Colors Life Flows

And In Rhapsody And Colors Life Flows There in dear morning's soft glistening rays White beach sand squishing between eager toes Magical humming as waves blue sky sways And in rhapsody and colors life flows About, beyond, into eternity I see an ant, its miracle divine Endless waves splash into infinity Dare I ever try to my soul define? Do we see truth in blessing of sunlight? Or dark in our desire to always fight? Through scenic beauty and heart's tender beats I sift sweet flavors of salt laced air Graving far more than life's woes to defeat I marvel at the birds flying in pairs What do they think of dangerous mankind Can they know we are lost seeking our way Amongst trash we so often leave behind Racing ever onward without delay? Do we see truth in blessing of sunlight? Or dark in our desire to always fight? I walk in a soft daze wondering why Life to us seems a magnificent mystery We think foolishly to our flaws deny When evidence emits from history Then a fine gem appears, a strange seashell Its radiance singing a lullaby Immediately comes a wondrous spell Saying, "your life exists to heaven fly". Do we see truth in blessing of sunlight? Or dark in our desire to always fight? There in dear morning's soft glistening rays White beach sand squishing between eager toes Magical humming as waves blue sky sways And in rhapsody and colors life flows. Robert J. Lindley, June 24, 1979 Romanticism Old Note- I hope so deeply that life stops being so damn hard In my dreams it promises such wondrously sweet rewards. New Note- Even now with rhapsody and colors fading Life cries out, live and love- we are still grading.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 10/17/2021 8:42:00 PM
My dear friend, indeed, 'in rhapsody and colors life flows'.. the music is always sweet and the colors ever bright, it's our perspective that changes with life's ups and downs. Your soul searching is rich and your introspection is beautiful with a deep feeling of appreciation and faith. Exquisite poetry, Robert. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
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Date: 9/25/2021 5:14:00 PM
It so often feels as though the blessings we seek are only won through a hard fight. But the goal is always worth the effort. Nice words Robert.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 9/27/2021 11:13:00 AM
Thank you my friend. You are so very right. Alway worth the effort to walk well within the Light. God bless..
Date: 9/18/2021 9:40:00 AM
WOW!!! What a beautiful story/write. I love how you added both your old and new notes at the bottom. "Love This" Have a blessed day/weekend...............
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Robert Lindley
Date: 9/19/2021 8:52:00 AM
Thank you my good friend. Thank you especially for mentioning that about my habit to oft add both sets of notes to my older creations. I do it to gift the reader an insight into the me that wrote years/decades ago and the me that writes now.. A true as can be comparison that they can judge in whatever way they may choose to judge. God bless...
Date: 9/18/2021 8:05:00 AM
Reading your poem, I realized I have never seen an ant on the beach. Then, when you mentioned the birds and how we are lost, I was taken to Matthew 6:26 " Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"
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Robert Lindley
Date: 9/19/2021 8:48:00 AM
Thank you my friend. Very often biblical verses influence my word choices in my poetry. As in my youth, my twenties I studied quite intensively the bible. Ants do not frequent the beach close to the waters but are there -- mush higher up- where only in very rare casses the waters ever reach. God bless...
Date: 9/16/2021 11:54:00 AM
Very descriptive and expressive are the lines within this fine work. I enjoyed reading it today. Thanks for the visit to my page. Sara
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Robert Lindley
Date: 9/16/2021 4:07:00 PM
Thank you my friend. I was quite young when I composed this one. And I see that with knowledge acquired since than I'd change a few verses. But the idea to leave this as it was first born came to me and that just seemed to be right.. God bless...

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry