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An Unforgettable Meeting

"a dagger of pain, a tear of grief" ~ by Constance La France
Only once I looked into her pale, weak face. In white hospital sheets, she lay motionless, A bag of bones! Her chest heaving high and low In her eyes, a well of unarticulated pain How could I pacify her or quell her fears When both of us knew it would be Perhaps our last meeting ever! Longed to wipe away her aches with a caress But my weak hands didn’t budge an inch Knew my heartbeats rising into a frenetic pitch And an opaqueness shrouding my eyes Did I hear the thud of glassware, Cracking into a hundred shards? I tried to camouflage my emotions But a sudden surge of sorrow welled within Before I could restrain, a tear tumbled down. How hard I tried to control the deluge of sorrow. Finding it in vain, I turned my face away. After moments, gaining composure Once again I turned to her This time our glances intertwined And her thin lips curved into a smile I knew it was her effort to console me Or in that split second Did a lifetime of our companionship Fleet across her feeble mind I could hearken to the murmur of her heart “Don’t worry! In the Kingdom of Light I shall soon find a nest where I’ll wait!” Her whispered words built a dam across my grief But could break anytime with the slightest shock! May. 16.2023 ~ Placed First~ Writing Challenge 'A' Quotes Poetry Contest Sponsor- Constance La France

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 5/21/2023 11:02:00 PM
Very dramatic writing. Vivid, touching narration. Congratulations!
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Date: 5/21/2023 8:18:00 AM
Congratulations on your win in the Contest...Valsa. When we meet with good people in life, It is always hard to say " Goodbye " When they want to live us. ...Clear message...
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Date: 5/21/2023 7:34:00 AM
Back with congratulations, Valsa, your podium win is amply deserved with your exceptional writing.
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Date: 5/20/2023 11:35:00 AM
- Congratulations on your 1st place in the contest, Valsa :) - hugs
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Date: 5/20/2023 8:16:00 AM
Congratulations on your top win, Dear Valsa. You have handled the theme in a brilliant way - vividly described with strong imageries. Love ~ Mala
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Date: 5/16/2023 12:05:00 PM
A poem that is so full of imagery and emotion. Well done.
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Date: 5/16/2023 12:04:00 PM
- A heartbreaking poem, Valsa ... a great sadness to lose the one you love ... it hurts to keep the tears hidden - Best wishes in the contest :) - hugs
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Date: 5/16/2023 8:57:00 AM
A very emotional write Valsa, I'm sure many will have experienced an unforgettable meeting with a loved one who was in the final stages of life. Brilliantly composed. Tom
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Date: 5/16/2023 8:05:00 AM
Emotional and heart wrenching poetry, Valsa, I was there feeling your pain, simply beautiful:)
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Date: 5/16/2023 7:45:00 AM
How deeply we feel grief and heartache when a friend or loved one is near death. The worst of it is that we are helpless to do anything to impede it happening. Your tears said more than any words could've conveyed. Sadness overwhelmed me in reading, Valsa, for your courage in the writing, and the tears I'm sure you shed in doing so.
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Date: 5/16/2023 7:15:00 AM
Valsa, your writing is very poignant. The tone you set with everything you said was so dark and depressing Excellently achieved. Sorrow and anguish reverberate throughout your poem effectively. It's never simple splitting paths with someone. Good luck with the contest
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Date: 5/16/2023 7:11:00 AM
there are words more precious than others, they help everyone who suffer deeply, you "nailed" ? it, thanks for the moving penning
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Date: 5/16/2023 6:13:00 AM
WoW! Valsa, You did an outstanding job with the contest challenge. The quote you chose inspired you to write such a good write. You painted such a sad picture with your chosen words. Excellent job. Best wishes in the contest-Alexis
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Date: 5/16/2023 5:52:00 AM
Highly emotive write, Valsa. Aptly evocative of pain and grief that ping throughout your depiction. Never easy to say final goodbyes.
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