An Ocean of Fear
life itself is an ocean
full of whales and sharks
sometimes swimming, sometimes sailing
sometimes surviving in an ark
don't be scared John Henry
just avoid the guns and knives
stay away from jealous men
and don't look at their wives
don't be afraid Hattie May
of the word woman and what it means
dignity and shame are both
worldly things that we give a name
plots and lies pollute the mind
and may cause death and doom
but they can only harm you
if you give them enough room
be cautious Terrence Avery
but not with fright and fear
success and failure are both measures
but they do not define your years
fear not Fenita Diane
for not all of life is loss and regret
and though there be tears and agony
joy and gladness awaits us yet
just wait Felisha Louisa
for we do not know the distance
between gut's and glory
having to risk, needing to save, wanting to win
are tools to fight our fears
bravery, faith and failure
inspire us, each in it's own way
but trying is the only way
to conquer our day and days
our oceans aren't uncrossable
if we make our fears behave
Copyright © John Loving Iii | Year Posted 2014
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