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African Poinsettia

The poinsettia is a rare plant, indeed, Its vivid red leaves outperform its tiny flower, In Africa, it achieves the height of an oak tree Exploding in vivid red like a bedecked tower Decorated for a special holiday occasion. Our guide was astounded we paid for a frond While here bouquets are had for the picking, Making me feel like, back home, we are conned. They grow, he said, from a stick in the ground I never can keep one alive for more than a week Then, I looked at him and noticeably frowned. Six dollars I pay for a stem with two blossoms, Suspecting they’re a cutting that will not thrive. As I stared at the magnificent poinsettia tree Clement blithely said, “Well, here they’re free!” Written December 3, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 12/6/2022 11:14:00 PM
I love this "In Africa, it achieves the height of an oak tree" because I had no idea. Off to do a bit of photo-finding now.
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Date: 12/3/2022 11:38:00 AM
Your poem is as lovely as the poinsettia, Milton. We've had one at home which is several years old now. Those bought at this time of year from nurseries usually do not last long. ~ Regards // paul
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 12/3/2022 1:51:00 PM
Thank you for the helpful comment, Paul. I appreciate it.

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