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About That Certain Thing Called Nonsense

Poet's Notes

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Author's Notes: "About That Certain Thing Called Nonsense" is a theme to which I have given some considerable thought about in this poem, and it's also conveniently the title of this poem. To that end, this poem, as it unravels the essence and use of "nonsense," has that certain requisite tone and tenor that bespeaks a serious view and discussion of its meanings and nuances as a form of communication. I also conveyed in the poem's narrative a degree of tongue-in-check humor to round out my final take on "nonsense" as an important part of life itself. (Gary Bateman - December 9, 2018) (Couplet)

Thematic Categories: allegory, deep, image, life, metaphor, nonsense, and symbolism.

About That Certain Thing Called Nonsense Nonsense is that certain symbolic communication form that oft pervades our human space with its absurdity! All of us from time-to-time have had to deal with some people who revel and rave in it to provoke a response. Making sense and communicating in an intelligent fashion, reflects a spirit of human decency that’s so needed at times. “Nonsense!” used as an exclamatory pronouncement inheres a necessary tone of disagreement to stop boorish behavior. “Nonsense” in a whimsical use can tickle one’s funny bone, whilst creating, at times, a much-needed spirit of amusement! And so, “Nonsense” as part of our grand human condition, may not be all bad, except when some choose to be naughty! Nonsense is an important part of life because it brings us to a certain view, which should be of no surprise: C’est la vie! Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved December 9, 2018 (Couplet)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 12/23/2018 3:16:00 AM
You have a knack of digging into the human Psyche and finding gold. Most are afraid of appearing foolish to go very deep. Keep digging, we humans never stop surprising. Have a great festive season and stay safe. Very best regards David in NZ
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/23/2018 12:06:00 PM
Hello David, Merry Christmas Wishes to you!! And, many thanks for your read and comment on my Nonsense poem here. Yes, I have, over time actually undertaken a number of poetic and prose writes whereby I delve into certain aspects of the Human Psyche. It is fascinating for sure, but one needs do always do thoughtful research before themes like this to get a clear notion of what the actual focus is to be. I just posted one on 22 Dec under the title "On Being Soulful" that might interest you as well. Hope all is well there in "NZ"!! Best Wishes Always, Gary
Date: 12/18/2018 11:13:00 AM
Lord God! This has excited me to my soul... My spirit dances like a redeemed bastard with your lines... Keep on writing dear friend.
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/18/2018 5:29:00 PM
Hello Funom!! Very Great to hear from you my old friend. I am very pleased that you liked my "Nonsense" write here!! Please stay in touch as you can, and I shall do my best to stay in touch too!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Cheers, Gary
Date: 12/16/2018 5:19:00 AM
I like the next to last stanza because most of the time nonsense is used just in that manner. It might be fun and games or funny to one person but usually one person gets hurt which is not a good thing. Thanks for the visit to my page. I am honored that you would fav my poem about Santa. Sara
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/16/2018 4:43:00 PM
Hello Sara, Many Thanks for your read and great comments here on my "Nonsense" poem. I agree with you. Nonsense used in any bad or negative way is not a good thing at all. I tried to touch on several of the instances, for example, when "Nonsense" might occur. This poem, like many of the others I write, is designed to make people think. And, your Santa Haiku was a wondrous poem to read!! Best Holiday Wishes, Gary
Date: 12/13/2018 6:31:00 PM
Well done, Gary, love your power of write.. "" Nonsense"
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/14/2018 4:32:00 AM
Hello Eve, Many thanks for your read of and comment on my latest couplet here!! "Nonsense" it is!! Cheers and Best, Gary
Date: 12/9/2018 10:45:00 PM
sense and nonsense, both seem equally needed these days! great write!
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/11/2018 11:43:00 AM
Very, very true Art!! I couldn't agree with you more!! Best Wishes, Gary
Date: 12/9/2018 3:47:00 PM
well done, gary... you make sense out of nonsense...incredible lines!...huggs
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/11/2018 11:41:00 AM
Hello Dear Nette!! I'm very pleased you like this latest selection of mine. I'm glad to see that the "Sense I made out of the "Nonsense" I wrote about, in the end, made Sense!! LOL!! Best Always, Gary
Date: 12/9/2018 3:00:00 PM
Absolute truth, some of us need more of it... lol Gary:)
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/11/2018 11:46:00 AM
"Absolute Truth," Tahira is very much needed, whilst "Absolute Ignorance" is not!! (LOL!!) Thanks for your comment and for giving my excursion into the world of nonsense a read!! Cheers, Gary
Date: 12/9/2018 11:55:00 AM
Nonsense my great friend, you know we humans always speak perfectly wise and hone our senses on perfect dialect and grievously serious matters such as the price of bubblegum and toothpicks! Tongue in cheek blather with a bit of humor my friend. Great wisdom in your metaphorical display of non- nonsense in fine verse! A fav... a no- nonsense action..
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/11/2018 11:37:00 AM
Hello Robert, Thanks for your clarification below. Like you, I always try for "Top Shelf" craftsmanship being one of my distinct calling cards regardless of whether I am writing poetry or prose. That's what counts, in the end, in the real world of formal publication. You too are a most wondrous poet who is full of both understanding and true compassion in all that you do!! Cheers, Gary
Lindley Avatar
Robert Lindley
Date: 12/9/2018 1:00:00 PM
The tongue in cheek remark was about my own blather my dear friend, as your verses are as always, top shelf , on the mark and born of a very fine poet and a decent, honorable and very kind man..
Bateman Avatar
Gary Bateman
Date: 12/9/2018 12:09:00 PM
Hello Robert!! WOW!! What else can I hope to say in response to your most edifying and gracious comment here?? "Tongue-in-cheek blather with a bit humor" I shall reverently taketh as offered in your great comment. No Nonsense Here -- I enjoyed doing this write for sure!! Always learning and have FUN writing!! C'est la vie!! (Thanks for the FAV too!!) Best Always, Gary
Date: 12/9/2018 10:29:00 AM
I like what you did here.. Absolute nonsense! Lol.
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/9/2018 10:39:00 AM
Hello Silent One!! Hey -- I like the way you rubbed it in here!! LOL!! Full of absolute nonsense I am!! What else can I say to that?? Cheers and Best, Gary
Date: 12/9/2018 10:25:00 AM
nice write...basically mankind is just 'chemical soup'...a walking battery with the power to dream holograms...just how much of reality is made up : )
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Gary Bateman
Date: 12/9/2018 10:45:00 AM
Hello Sand Blown, Given the nature of my particular theme here, I really like your "chemical soup" reference likened to mankind entire. You may be on to something with the power to dream holograms. I would add that some people would have some "whoppers" as holograms given the vast variability of human nature as we know it. "Reality" for some is probably an illusion for sure!! LOL!! Best Wishes, Gary

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry