A Winter Sun
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Upon this yearly powdered dale,
where leafless birch in talon-ed stance
come begging in their circumstance,
the snowflakes fell in silent veil
as thick as densely woven cloth
to gale a new year's behemoth.
While seeking warmth to no avail
I hunker in my hiemal sleigh
when through the rime in gleeful spray
a fulgid sun does spritely hail,
goes dancing between limb and twig
and waltzing 'round each wizened sprig
to glisten on my rutted swale.
Each pixel glitters on this path
in afterglow of winter's wrath.
Upon this yearly powdered dale
the snowflakes fell in silent veil.
While seeking warmth to no avail
a fulgid sun does spritely hail
to glisten on my frozen swale.
Copyright © Dale Gregory Cozart | Year Posted 2017
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