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A Week In Life

It is Monday, today is pay the bills and light shop. All this after we have been for the morning run. The dogs are always keen, they trot beside me as at ten miles an hour we cover the ground Always pleased to see their friends we stop and chat. A full mile we go in a circuit of my village. Then home for their breakfast while I make lunch. In the car we stop at the village post office and shop. Do the essentials like feeding metres and buying cigs. On into town we hit the supermarket for some staples. Now the dogs favourite time when we go to our trading estate which is being knocked down for housing and mainly now vacant. Here they stretch their legs and chase each other, rabbits beware! Tired they pile back into the car and doze on the way home. Chat to a few passer's by as I lock up the gates, then time to make supper and feed us all, water the garden too many tubs. Now I settle down its poetry time read a few write if I can. Total self indulgence as I disappear into the words I read An hour or so of telly or maybe a computer game its ten pm dogs go to bed just me and my three cats we watch Tommy Walsh. A last check on the beloved soup sure to be a good new poem waiting there, surfeit and happy I again indulge in written words. Decide if I am staying downstairs on the day bed or going upstairs. Read some pages of a good novel usually a crime book then to sleep. Tuesday up bright and early its main shopping day Trudge around the various stores, head home to unload In the afternoon we go out maybe up on the hills or on to Exmoor maybe one of the two reservoirs. Here I stroll, while they play looking around noting the changes that have occurred since last I was here, watching the buzzards swoop and play and if lucky a hawk or two to enjoy. Often a glimpse of a red deer or some boxing hares. Home to the nightly routine with a slight difference tonight, its off to local obedience training as a well taught dog is pleasant to be around and its fun for us all. Chit chat with the other handlers praising if they did well. Wednesday usual routine then out in the garden to weed and tidy. Net the leaves from the ponds while watching the fish and newts. Gather what apples are ripe and give everything a good water. Early lunch and off to Wales for some ring craft training. Thursday its the first in the month tonight is poetry group. First its see to the dogs a walk down the fields by the river. Sort out which poems I will read tonight at the open mike. Listen to what the other poets read and to our guest poetry speaker. Have fun discussing the various new poems and just catching up Drive home and often inspired, sit down and write a new poem or two. Feeling well satisfied with my week so far I turn to other poets work and slip off into the beauty and images they inspire. What a treat! Friday butchers day to pick up meat and bones for the dogs They know its in the car their noses twitching in anticipation. Supermarket yet again running low on fresh staples time to stock up. Afternoon its usually down to the beach where the dogs chase the waves. Weekend some grooming prettying up the dogs we are off to a show. Hanging around waiting for our classes to start then its time we are on. Proudly they strut their stuff showing off to the judge, will we get placed? We beat them all at the last show. Yes, yes Minstral has another 1st. Bundell managed a 3rd he still needs time to mature next year he will do well. Sunday dawns a day that weekly changes sometimes a BBQ or a family meal. Another we will be off to Wales for more training or a show perhaps, or A day to relax and visit friends and catch up with their news. No matter what the day there's always plenty to do, did I mention housework? Nah, that's far too mundane its always there hovering, waiting in the wings. Some days have not enough hours, time relentless ticking on. So much to do. Yet it is seldom boring living in this madhouse of mine. Bless all animals.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 9/14/2014 1:33:00 AM
OH MY GOSH. your whole life revolves around those dogs. Such a different life from mine. How interesting to see one's life laid out like this. MIne would be SO easy to show: work at school, do poetry soup and emails, exercise, eat, watch tv. repeat repeat repeat times five and weekend just play and do a little housework. ahha. I loved hearing all about you, Shadow. and cats too!!!
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Date: 9/11/2014 2:31:00 PM
Shadow, that's a busy day/ week, for me its usually home from work, turn on the big screen tv, and . . . . well anyways, I also want to thank you so much for my wonderful placement in your recent ABC contest, I am very honoured ~~
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Date: 9/11/2014 5:00:00 AM
- There plenty to do for those who have dogs - I have two - (no cats) - Tours in forests and mountains - something both me and the dogs like - Nice to read your busy week, Shadow .... but, remember to relax too !!! - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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