A Veritable Cornucopia of Alternatives
Alas, I look at my options and I panic
Bewildered by my choices that feel so gigantic
Clarity seems a bit elusive right now
Dastardly and evasive to me somehow
Establishing an anchor is what I should do
For that would improve my point of view
Grasping for answers that dangle on the cliff
Hoping they're not written in hieroglyphs
Inevitably, they require a Rosetta Stone
Jargon jealously guarded by my evil clone
Knowing the searching is part of the solution
Lamenting the struggle in my elocution
Meditation on the Word is my only plan
Never failing me in my whole lifespan
Odds and ends conspire to be a distraction
Perfidious doppelganger desires inaction
Quit guiding me into this nebulous analysis!
Rid me of this spiritual paralysis!
Send me alacrity and precision of thought
That I might be worthy of what I was taught
Ubiquitous indecision depart from my heart
Vacuous hesitance, you've no wisdom to impart
While I am still filled with God-given breath
Xerosis of my body and soul will halt until death
Yearning for the truth and hope will succeed
Zero energy will be spent on despair or misery
Copyright © Trey Hamner | Year Posted 2016
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