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A Tender Look

Poet's Notes

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A tender look can reveal More what a heart feels That millions of words Broken nouns and verbs They can never share That look that is expressed Within the dilated irises That welcome true intimacy ~ It is in the eyes that I can see Expressions of joy, gentleness Feelings so tender and alive That I know they were meant To keep me from growing tired Of all the carefully carved gestures Discovered with a knowing love One that has been with you so long ~ It is there, in the dreamy glimpses Just after waking from a warm sleep That the feelings shared, so sweet Remind me why I share my life always Knowing that I have other choices Yet, also knowing that no other choice Would lead me to this place of peace Comforting, whole and so sincere ~ That soft touch of the eyes against My own look that is so sure of the heart That touches me with its acceptance Its desire for spending life together With only the hope that we can avoid The dreadful moment that may come When one of us loses our good health Or happens into a negative part of self ~ The tender look that expresses Love that is lasting and honest Pure, without motives or selfishness Love that is alive with happiness that Survives every hint of growing older Even welcoming the wrinkles and gray That happen when you’ve shared days With that one special friend, the one Who makes your life a better place to live

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 10/19/2019 1:25:00 PM
This is so lovely, Regina. Though you show a picture of a woman with a dog, it seems to be about your mate that you are writing. But I may be wrong!
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