A Spell For Global Peace and Love
A Spell for Global Peace and Love
From north, south, east, and west,
let this spell do what’s best!
Bring peace and love to all men,
as the Great Spirits do intend.
From your four corners Great Spirit Earth,
bless us with cleansing and rebirth,
both from within and without.
Great Spirit of Water,
lift us to float when we falter.
Great Spirit of the Air,
descend upon this sacred altar.
Great Spirit of Fire,
wipe out all hatred and mire,
and grant my fervent desire.
Unite our disjointed humankind
and with love then do us bind.
Candles blue, green, and white,
as your flames burn bright,
I invoke ye angels of celestial light,
guide us to do what is right.
To spread good will and global harmony,
each one bound by love eternally.
Harken ye now to my plea…
Let these wishes come to be!
Contest: A Love Spell
Sponsor: Lewis Raynes
Placement: 2nd
Copyright © Pandita Sietesantos | Year Posted 2017
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