A Songbird Will Sing On and Fly High
A songbird will sing on and fly high
A songbird sings from a high perch
Sings for the rains, sings for the earth
It chirps to give liveliness to the wild
That is the sound of Tiwa to the world
Sing on and fly high pretty Savage
That is what peaked your courage
When a smile is too heavy to evince
Trust in your quietness to convince
A stranger’s scorn can be us sharp as knife
But don’t let a slice of time shrink your lovely life
Beyond seas of blame we create, is our own delinquency
Our perfection is a disguise relying on cod impressions
The gold in your voice will be the shining reverberance
As your legacy stands tall to receding waves of oceans
With a rhythm with length and a pitch with height
A songbird will sing on and fly hig
Copyright © Michelo Mweetwa | Year Posted 2021
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