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A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned!

Mr. Franklin "coined" that old saw, "A penny saved is a penny earned!" I mused upon that fabled adage and for the olden days I yearned. Then, a penny was worth a cent, but, alas, it ain't no more. Ah! The myriad of things a penny could buy at the local store! For a penny you could send a postal card through the mail. And for a mere copper you'd get your weight read on a scale! A penny would give you a handful of nuts from peanut machines, And for the same, get a fistful of scrumptious and colorful jellybeans! I recollect the cutesy cards we shared for the school Valentine party. They cost a cent apiece and were so witty and so very arty! As the cards were distributed, secret admirers gave a sly grin. Blushin' lads received saccharine cards much to their chagrin! A copper penny would purchase a huge all-day sucker to lick, Or a twisted string of chewy red or black licorice on a stick! You could buy a kite with your penny or some candy cigarettes, Or some wax-bottled sugar water or silly false teeth sets! Ain't it ironic that the profile of Honest Abe whom we so revere, Appears on the coin that we toss about and treat so cavalier! Even in my second childhood, I'll still pick a penny off the ground! Shucks! "Someone's disdain for that lowly coin is my treasure found!" Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired © All Rights Reserved First Place Win in Joe Flach's "In Other Words" Contest - September 2010

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 9/10/2010 10:23:00 PM
Hey, here is a really cute one i must have missed, Robert. Yes that IS ironic that poor old Abe, my HERO, is treated with such disdain, tossed about and never picked up off the ground until I come along (see a penny pick it up, rest of the day you'll have good luck) and retrieve him!! COngrats. LUv, Andrea
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Date: 9/9/2010 11:23:00 AM
Congratulations Robert on your win in Joe Flach's contest "In Other Words". Love, Carol
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Date: 9/3/2010 7:28:00 PM
Great poem Robert. congratulations on your big win. Love, Joyce
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Date: 9/3/2010 5:37:00 PM
fantastic write, congrats on your first place win
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Date: 9/3/2010 5:05:00 PM
Congratulations on the first win in In other words contest. Bob
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Date: 9/3/2010 3:52:00 PM
Super congrats Bob on your first place win in Joe's contest.. awesome piece my friend and a true phrase if I ever heard MOM drummed this into my head early on in enjoy your top spot for a top notch poem..luv..
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