A Gentle Breeze
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Intertwining Triolet
Combining two or more triolets linked by repeating lines. The sixth line of the first refrain forms the first line of the next refrain, and so on.

The wind fuels a gentle breeze
that rustles the leaves with its touch.
Scurrying through the tops of trees,
the wind fuels a gentle breeze.
Not enough to discourage bees,
it is only brisk; it isn't much.
The wind fuels a gentle breeze
that rustles the leaves with its touch.
It is only brisk; it isn't much
until that breeze begins to gust.
Yet, still the birds escape its clutch,
it is only brisk; it isn't much.
It topples garbage cans and such,
gathering up a cloud of dust.
It is only brisk; it isn't much,
until that breeze begins to gust.
Gathering up a cloud of dust;
it blocks the sun's diminished light.
And proceeds, with increasing thrust,
gathering up a cloud of dust.
As shutters squeak and hinges bust,
a furious storm causes fright.
Gathering up a cloud of dust;
it blocks the sun's diminished light.
A furious storm causes fright
as loose shingles fly through the air.
Morphing into a wind with might
a furious storm causes fright.
Finding cover, folks, hang on tight,
for flying debris warrants care.
A furious storm causes fright
as loose shingles fly through the air.
Copyright © Emile Pinet | Year Posted 2015
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