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A Crumb of Cheese

I am a mouse From my house I can spy...... A huge piece of cheese Well its huge to me I am a cat From my mat I can spy..... A crumb of cheese Wheres that mouse, I cannot see I am that mouse Waiting patiently For that cat ..... To take a nap So the cheese i can trap I am that cat Going to nap Go ahead mouse .... Go take the cheese Eat in your house Cos I am a tooo lazy cat and much toooo fat that loves to nap. Cheese is yuck and so are mice, so neither entice.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 7/13/2013 6:51:00 PM
hehehehe....I love this poem...its cheeky...full of tease and I was wondering if the Cat was going to 'Pretend' to take the nap to eat the mouse, eating the love the twist - great poem....Shaz
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Date: 7/6/2013 7:12:00 PM
That is absolutely the best crumby cheesy poem I have ever read! Not only made me smile but that may be a bed time story for a little one I know!!
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Seren Roberts
Date: 7/8/2013 2:17:00 AM
hope that little boy will love it....Seren
Date: 7/6/2013 9:45:00 AM
hahaha, Russell is SO wrong what he says here. I have had many cats and I know for a fact that two of them, when given the opportunity to seize a mouse, they did NOT want that mouse. One cat playfully pounced on it a bit and then got bored. FUN poem (oh , he later admits that a lazy house cat would walk away. I think we have bred the instinct to kill mice out of those house cats.)
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Seren Roberts
Date: 7/8/2013 2:18:00 AM
yes we feed our animals too well they don't need to hunt to survive....Seren
Date: 7/5/2013 5:57:00 AM
I've never known a cat to pass up the opportunity to catch a mouse...and eat it, except maybe the big fat ones, as you've said, ha ha! We have cats catch and leave mice on our doorstop all the time, a gift for us feeding them scraps of food we leave after our meals! House cats still even have the instinct to chase the mouse, but I can see them get too lazy, and big, to want to chase them anymore! I really loved reading this enlightening poem this morning! What a delightful piece, Great Work!!
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Seren Roberts
Date: 7/5/2013 6:25:00 AM
Glad you enjoyed it ...Seren

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