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A Chanukah Message For Today

A minor holiday, the Sages say with a major message for today Never let big government dictate terms even when it comes to tiny germs

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 12/11/2020 6:58:00 AM
Truthfully, you are preaching to a choir who is going along with this in every way.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 12/11/2020 9:24:00 AM
What's the next melody, choir-person? -- Perhaps 'Rock of Ages' will do for Chanukah! :)
Date: 12/10/2020 7:43:00 AM
Hi Gershon, I agree with your wise and sage advice. Have a wonderfully day:-) Alexis
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 12/10/2020 6:17:00 PM
Thanks, Alexis. As they say, 'The bigger the government, the smaller the individual.' Liberty and Freedom, Gershon
Date: 12/10/2020 5:00:00 AM
Well, God gave us a brain to use our common sense so we need to do that. Germs are bad and viruses are severe. Most viruses are unfilterable because they are so small. We probably are exposed each day to all kinds of them but sometimes our body can't handle getting rid of them and their effect. I think we need to try to be at home as much as possible and use the masks and wash our hands. This isolation is rough on the spirit and emotion but I see an end in sight. Thanks for the visit. Sara
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 12/10/2020 5:56:00 PM
I love the first sentence of your comment, Sara -- 'God gave us a brain to use our common sense.' Big government advocates don't believe that at all. They, and only they, can and must do the thinking for us brain-deprived deplorables. How I despise them! A pox on them all! 1984 is alive and well in 2020, I'm afraid. ~ Just sayin'
Date: 12/9/2020 6:34:00 PM
Well said! Happy Chanukah!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 12/10/2020 5:53:00 PM
Thanks, Kim!

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