A Cats Letter To Santa Claws
Dear Santa Claws, please bring me a new catnip mousey; my old one has so many holes that the nip won’t stay in and I can’t eat it all in one day; it gives me the munchies and a headache.
I also need another collar, one without bells; I don’t want the dog and mice to know where I am; they don’t respect my privacy. I can’t surprise them and Butch, the dog, loves for me to pounce on his head while he’s asleep.
For a dog, Butch is okay, I guess but I doubt you’ll bring him anything ‘cause he’s been bad this year; oh, but if you do, he wants a new bed, I accidentally peed in it last week, five times.
Oh, and please bring Mommy a new winter scarf; since I pulled out all of the fringe on her favorite one, she’s been a little irritable. A nice bottle of wine, would help too, in case I accidentally damage the new one; really, I’m a good cat but, fringe gets a real thrill out of teasing me until I snap.
So, Santa Claws, stop by and I’ll leave some kibble and milk out for you but, please don’t leave any face fur in it; Butch nearly choked to death on a piece last year and I got blamed for it.
Thank you,
Sheba, the good cat.
Copyright © M. L. Kiser | Year Posted 2018
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