A Broken Heart Away
She was my first love until it ended
It would last forever I believed
Was it the childish words that so offended
Or were we by our youth just being deceived.
I couldn't do a thing to stop you leaving
Though I remember hoping you would stay
but the final words I spoke I still believe in
I will never be more than a broken heart away.
The memories of that love are still with me
Loving feelings in my heart are tightly cleft
All around me I see a beautiful history
Reminders of our love before you left.
Ornaments and pictures on the mantle
Each a memory I can touch
I have even saved all the scented candles
and the bible pressed rose you loved so much.
Now I'm hearing your new man has betrayed you
I heard he hit you and you lived a life of hell
You now know not a word he spoke has proven true
Since the day he first cast his evil spell.
I'm told you would come back if I asked you
Nevermore would you feel the need to stray
This time it would be forever and you'll be true
and you are only a broken heart away .
My friendship is there if you should need me
My shoulder is yours if you wish to cry
All I own is given to you freely
but I'm afraid my love I cannot lie
My broken heart has now mended
Though scarred by the bitter years of pain
What we shared has truly ended
I just cannot put my heart through that again ,
Copyright © Darren Watson | Year Posted 2014
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