A Big Welcome To Soup Creek
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Image credit - Soup Creek Tourist Office

If you're passing by Soup Creek our peace loving town
Do pay us a visit but wear a big smile not a frown
Our town is open to everybody all colours and creed
But check in your guns because those you won't need.
The only people allowed guns are the sherrif and deputies
If you don't check them in then the sheriff you won't please
Jenna too has a permit and cradles a repeating Winchester
Don't cause a ruckus in her saloon because you'll upset her.
So be warned if you cause trouble you'll be treated with scorn
You'll incur the wrath of the townsfolk and wish you weren't born
We want everyone who comes here to have an enjoyable stay
Soup Creek is a peaceful town and we aim to keep it that way.
Before you reach our town you'll notice a derelict old shack
A crazy woman lives there but keep going and don't look back
She's bad mouthed unwashed and complains about lack of heat
And she's not a very nice person and not one you'd like to meet.
The derelict cattle men's office is now the towns library
Where you can read dime novels and books of poetry
Also on Fridays the schoolhouse teacher Miss Forsyth
Holds a class for the townsfolk to help them read and write.
There's a bordello located at the far end of main street
All the good townsfolk don't condone it so please be discreet
Every Thursday they have happy hour and services half price
But please make sure you're clean and not crawling with lice.
There's a new hotel called 'Aces' owned by gambler Milton
Rooms have sturdy pine beds and all with clean sheets on
On some very rare occasions you may have to share a bed
And if you're of a bashful nature you can top and tail instead.
Chinese barber Lee will shave you and he grooms ladies too
Takes years off your appearance making you look like new
A bathhouse is out the back where you can wash off the dust
And if you like a good whiskey then Jenna's Saloon is a must.
That not only sells aged whiskey but has good music too
Mayor Tom and Tania sing in harmony to entertain you
The saloon was nearing bankruptcy until Jenna acquired it
Helped by an Aussie girl Deb and is now making a profit.
Another new resident in our town is a girl from California
Who has just opened a steak house and her name is Anaya
She'll cook steak to your liking because she aims to please
It's the best steak house you'll find this side of the Rockies.
Two weeks before Christmas it's the mayor's annual parade
Milton dresses as Ol' Santa and gives kids candy and limeade
Ranger David and new deputy Terry give Ol' Santa a hand
And there's music from across the border with a mariachi band.
If you're looking for winter sports then you'll be disappointed
But in the new year we have a rodeo and everyone is invited
You can win fifty bucks if you can stay ten minutes on a steer
Afterwards there's a hog roast and Jenna provides the beer.
Sheriff Koplin never drops his guard he'll be watching everyone
Because occasionally we have lowlifes who want to spoil the fun
There's always something going on in our friendly little town
A big Soup Creek welcome awaits you but remember no frown.
If you celebrate Christmas then we hope you have a good one
And if you don't then enjoy the time off and have lots of fun
Soup Creek residents wishes everyone joy and good cheer
And with good health and happiness in the coming new year.
Written on 14th December
Copyright © Tom Cunningham | Year Posted 2022
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