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70's Teenager

We knew how to be kids in the 70s, Playing outside every day, We made our fun with what we had, Skip rope, pogo stick, stilts even climbing a tree, We had no fear, if you got hurt you got up and carried on, No running to mum. Our mates lived down the street or nearby, Not online miles away, We would meet up and chat face to face, Not like today kids chat on the laptop, In the 70s there where no computers, play station or handheld games, We watched the tv read a book or played a game. The telephone was attached to the wall, no moving around, Privacy was a no no on your call, The tv had three channels BBC 1, 2 and itv, If you was lucky enough to have a tv, Most had a black and white, if you had money it was a coloured one. Central heating was a coal fire downstairs, Been brave running down to get dresses, Or under the ..... blankets upstairs, Frost on the inside windows boy it was cold, I really dont miss that part of it at all. Respect for your elders was a big thing, It was mr and mrs or aunty and uncle, If you misbehaved it was "wait till your father gets home", Now I would carry on with out consequence, Life was so much more simple in the 70s,

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 9/14/2020 3:46:00 PM
your final line says it all - loved the poem Tracy - kids were a lot fitter and healthier then cos they were active and outdoors and they had respect for their elders which can be sadly lacking these days (i worked in a school for 16 yrs) hugs jan xx
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Date: 9/5/2020 12:25:00 PM
Most of all, people felt social responsibility and generally obeyed quarantines! Aloha! Rico
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Tracy Mcfayden
Date: 9/5/2020 12:55:00 PM
Yup lol

Book: Reflection on the Important Things