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Best Poems Written by Laurie Woodward

Below are the all-time best Laurie Woodward poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Upon Wind's Wings

Gentle wind, please
Go not from me.

Rather hold me in thine uplifting arms.
For thy tender ministrations are my sustenance
Each satin, sweet caress a blessing.

Bold wind, please
Go not from me.

Rather wrap me in whirlwinds' chaos
That play with my garments and tease at my hair
Flowing over, around and through me like a river

Storm wind, please
Go not from me.

Rather entwine me in thy heart
Let me feel thy power, to lay waste and to rend.
Then, when my body fails, rend from it my soul 
That it may fly always with the wind

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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Living the Dream: How the Sca Was Born

We started, all of us, with a dream
A need to be more than we might seem
Add to our lives a bright, new shine
To honour those of an older time

Some few had gathered, one fair day
A party planned, a game to play
A passing fancy to recreate
The lives that have been lost to fate

The players, spent at party's end
Were loather to join the world again
They wished that they might be so bold
To live as those from times of old

A game, a dream was born that night
And through the darkness spread its life
To many dreamers this dream spoke
And new ideas in them awoke

To re-learn skills, to practice art
And in the chivalry take part
To serve a King both brave and strong
A lady Queen inspiring song

To hear the voices of the bards
To take thy turn amongst the guards
To write the song a kingdom sings
To live with honour in all things

That is what the dreamers saw
The picture that they tried to draw
Though gaming was the simple goal
The dream now had a living soul

Now hundreds strong the armies stand
And face each other on the sand
But once the battle's fought and won
Both friend and foe all stand as one

They sing together of their homes
And bow to one another's thrones
Honouring the bond they share
The common dream that brought them there

The dream that draw us ever in
Calls us to gather once again
To play, once more, our 'let's pretend'
To live the dream that will not end

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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The Sea

The silence

The still calm of the deep

The world is asleep and the only sound is that of the water
Lapping at the beach

No-one exists but the sea and I
Nothing has ever existed nor ever will

All past and future are gone and all that is left
Is this moment, as I look across the calm water
To the horizon

The infinite sea stretches out before me
Time and I are enveloped

Now nothing exists

But the sea

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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Crossing Guard Haiku

On a cold, grey dawn
In wind-driven rain, I stand
Bright orange beacon

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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Winter Solstice

Days grow longer now
Night has lost the advantage
The sun is reborn

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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Midwinter Night Haiku Chain Verse

The snow, lit, sparkles
Each flake reflects the moon’s light
Revealing the night

Revealing the night
In its blanketed beauty
Enriching the heart

Enriching the heart
With a sense of adventure
Magic in the air

Magic in the air
Stirs my imagination
Excitement rising

Excitement rising
I feel the day approaching
What adventure comes

What adventure comes
Beneath the moon, I wonder
As it shines above

As it shines above
The moon turns nighttime to day
The snow, lit, sparkles

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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The Viking's Wife

The King had called and off he went
And on a sword our money spent
A soldier's wage to me he sent
As he marched off to war
My back unto the plow was bent
Though in my chores I made no dent
The sunset it was heaven sent
For I could work no more

And in his absence our son grew
A grown man's work was all he knew
There was what I could teach him, too
But that was not enough
He learned the bow, an axe he threw
His father's foe he yearned to hew
And I knew what he longed to do
When grew strong and tough

To serve a King, be brave and bold
Spurred on by tales the old men told
To earn the glory, and the gold
Not for a farmer's boy
With high adventure now foretold
My plow for his sword now was sold
He left me feeling weary, old
And gone was all my joy
So now my heart within my chest
Has called me out to face the test
I pose as man with bound up breast
And march myself to war
With each new kill my rage expressed
I soon begin to feel hard-pressed
With one more thrust, my final rest
And then I'll grieve no more

They're at Valhalla's door.

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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Golden Rod

T'was not the sun that caught mine eye
The shine reflected from nearby

The faces, golden in the field
With more light than the moon doth yield

There wild flowers, the like of which,
If true to hue, could make one rich

The land itself seems turned to gold
And if I were, myself, so bold

A bouquet of this gold I'd pick
And try to learn it's magic trick

The wealth that these bright flowers yield?
The truth of Faery gold revealed

The glamours of the tales of old
That turned to dust once they were sold

Perhaps they were but flowers bright
Whose colour faded in the night

For anybody having seen
This shock of gold amidst the green

Might think themselves in faeryland
Where magic's lying close at hand

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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Who Is This

Who is this person I once knew 
as intimately as my own needs and desires? 

This entity so apart from me 
that I find I must learn more?

He draws my thoughts and fills my heart, 
'gainst his pull I have no defense, 
save that of his own welfare.

He cheers me beyond my own capacity,
causes a maelstrom within my thoughts
and when anger rears it's ugly head
a ray of pure, sweet light shines through
and I am swayed, nay I am caught.

And, as always we come back to one another.
This bond, unbreakable, this soul unbondable, 
a paradox. This piece of my own heart,
that I do not fathom yet in depth
nor ever truly shall.

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

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Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes

What do you see, 
when you look up at me,
And your face lights up with a smile?

When you watch my face, 
and reach up to embrace,
Your eyes so intent they beguile.

You study me though,
I know not what I show.
But I wonder sometimes, is it true?

Do you see there the grace
Found in every Mom's face,
The shining of my love for you?

Do you find, as I do,
That love colours your view?
Do you see through this physical guise?

What makes your smile glow,
When you look at me so,
My bright boy with the questioning eyes?

Copyright © Laurie Woodward | Year Posted 2018

Book: Reflection on the Important Things