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Best Poems Written by Jennifer Griffith

Below are the all-time best Jennifer Griffith poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Learning To Let Go

When you hear your past calling
And you know better than to answer
But you answer them anyways
You can try to justify the who and the why
And yet you know that nothing good can come of this
It starts out with casual small talk
And almost always ends with someone's 'I love you'
You know that things will never be the same
And a memory they will forever be
You wanna remember the good times you shared
But you also must remember the bad
Why things ended the way they did
And why they are considered a part of your past
You can try to remain friends
But those kinda friends aren't real friends
Only calling you when you can do something for them
Whether it be for sex, a ride, or to borrow money
You wanna maintain some kind of friendship
Because you don't wanna forget them
You don't wanna forget what you used to have with that person
But in truth if you really loved them
Your heart will always keep their memory close to heart
Even if they are far in distance
Never let your past hold you back from your future
And never lose someone that loves you
Focusing on someone you used to love
Had they been the man they should've been
Then he'd still be around
But the truth is this…
Things didn’t work for one reason or another
You can't just make something work if it's just not meant to be
Instead move on and try something new
People will come and people will go
But you have to stop climbing mountains
For those who wouldn’t walk across a puddle for you
Stop making time for those who don't make time for you
Because in the end the only one you're hurting is yourself
Pictures hold a thousand memories
You'll hear that one song that reminds you of that one special person
But leave it at that
Don't ever forget the things they brought to your life
The good times, special memories, and lessons learned
Hold on to those things
Keep them close to your heart
Just learn that you can live without their physical being
And in the end I promise you will be ok
They say that time heals all wounds
But when you lose someone you love
The wound itself will heal
But your heart will forever hold that scar
But I've come to learn that scars can't hurt you
They are only reminders of what happened once upon a time
Each one has a story of its very own
Just because that particular person fades away
Doesn't mean you're forced to forget
Remember the good times you shared
And how much you meant to each other
We all have a journey of our own to make
And along the way you meet some extraordinary individuals
Some of them come into your life and will never leave
While others are only passing thru
Enjoy the time you have with them
Learn from their mistakes
But more importantly learn from your own
Because when one door closes another almost always opens
And when one person leaves
It only makes room for someone new
Getting close to someone can be so scary
Afraid that as soon as you get close to them
They'll just leave it like the last person did
But you can't go thru life punishing everyone
For what the last person put you thru
Learn to open up to new people
Trust others until given a reason not to
If you walk around with a shield
Because you've been hurt in the past
Only keeps you from the here and now
And who knows what you might miss along the way
                            'While on this road called "life",
                    You have to take the good with the bad
                                Smile when you're sad
          Love what you've got and remember what you had
                       Always forgive, but never forget.
             Learn from your mistakes, but never forget.
                                   People do change.
                                  Things go wrong.
                                     Just remember
                                   Life Goes On!!!!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016

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Setting Myself Free

I still see your smile
Though I haven't seen it in a while
Now that I have I feel some type of way
All it takes is a message one random day
You been gone from my life for so long
And now that you're here I doubt where I belong
It wasn't a problem before
Didn't think I cared anymore
Yet now I find you constantly on my mind
My own escape I cannot find
Lost in these streets full of direction
And for what…a little of your affection?
Wondering if it's all worth the pain
Knowing now nothing from it will I gain
Yet still thoughts of you won't leave me alone
No matter what I do to get them gone
Those thoughts run as deep as the ocean blue
But you still refuse to love me too
I try and find peace in the beauty of the land
Only to find it's you I don't understand
What more can one person do
I've done all I can to prove my love to you
But  just as hard as the bricks I used
To protect a heart that had been so abused
It may have been able to keep the pain away
Yet still it's something I fight each and every day
Trying to tell myself I get a little stronger with time
Attempting to believe it's not just another rhyme
I take a second look only to see
That these words I write continue to remind me
Of a love I use to own
Night or day I could call you on the phone
But then as the next song begins to play
I feel a tear making its way
Down my once dry cheek
Once again when it comes to you I feel so weak
Unsure what all this might mean
Caught somewhere in between
Holding on to all those feelings for you
Or knowing that letting go is what I must do
I sit out by the water to blow off some steam
Watching as the water flows over the rocks and continues down stream
For a moment I manage to find some peace
Knowing that in time that feeling will cease
It helps to escape my thoughts even for a short while
With the sun shining bright I can't help but smile
Reminding myself that one day I will find my way
Even if I can't do it today
I guess you could say that missing you
Is something I've gotten rather used to
Though some days are easier than another
I find comfort in my mother
Though she can't be here to help me get thru
I remember what she once said about someone just like you
You were just one chapter in my life
And even if you didn’t make me your wife
Someone someday will see what you never did in me
In time I would find the man you couldn't be
In my heart I know just what she would say
And that helps me get thru another day
Without your love…without you
I know that like you I will be okay too
But down the road you will find it is me you miss
Every smile and every kiss
But by the time you do
I won't be there to come back to
Of that much I can be sure
Cuz a love that was once so pure
Has been stained with pain
Thoughts of you driving me insane
My heart deserves better than that
Late nights, sad songs, and there I sat
For so long thinking back to what used to be
Only to realize the truth was it was me
I was the only keeping me here
Because of you I was full of fear
Afraid someone might do the same as you
Terrified my heart would get broken by someone new
And I'd be just as hurt as I was before
But I can't live like that anymore
I have to find a way to move on
Your memories must be foregone
It's becoming more clear what it is I must do
Just had to find myself a new view
To realize all the possibilities out there
Had to take a step back and breath of fresh air
To see all the things I let escape me
But here and now I have set myself free
Ready to give love another try
And finally tell your memories goodbye
Can't believe how much better I feel
Never again my happiness will you steal
My thoughts, my feelings, my mind and my heart
All these things are ready for a new start
For once in my life they all agree
I finally set myself free!!!!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016

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I Miss You Baby

I think about you night and day
I miss you in every way
Cant keep you off my mind
Little things to do I find
You baby are the one I miss
What I'd give for just one kiss
I miss the sound of your voice
Wishing now we hadnt made that choice
I miss the smile I brought to your face
Cuddling up and your warm embrace
Without you here with me
Things just arent as they should be
I know this is something we will get thru
Baby I just really miss you
The songs to me that you would sing
Now to hear them brings a sting
Feeling as if we're millions of miles apart
This is hard, it breaks my heart
Still I whisper I love you every night
And trust me, I'll never give up the fight
Baby please keep your head held high
Cuz this isnt the end, its not goodbye
I'm still yours and you are mine
And in the end we'll be just fine
It's just a rough patch in our life
Still my dream is to become your wife
So baby don't give up on you and me
Forever and Ever Babe, we are meant to be
With every beat of my heart, I love you
And right now I am really missing you
And if by chance you start feeling blue
Read this poem again, I wrote it just for you!!!!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2017

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I Just Really Miss You

You've been on my mind a lot lately
So many things I want so bad to tell you
But I know that I can't
No matter how bad I want to
It's just not the same without you here
I guess it's just a part of missing you
Sometimes I look up to sky and smile
What else is there for me to really do
It seems like it was only yesterday
I was able to dial your number on my phone
But in reality it's been 3 long years past
Can't believe how much time has really passed me by
So many things you've missed out on
And even though I know you're always watching over me
Something about that just ant the same
You're picture hangs on the mirror of my dresser
Your rose around my neck
I don't leave the house without it
My angel and my saving grace
Still wish I could hear your voice
But I guess that's a pain I'll forever have to bare
Some days are so much easier than others
But nothing really takes the pain away
And there's no one on this earth
Than can fill that empty space
That lingers way deep down inside of me
But then again I guess that'll always be there
Cuz next to you no one will ever compare
God sure did get an angel
The day I lost my best friend
In my heart I was full of anger and hate
And every now and then I let a tear slip thru
Because I don’t think I'll ever get over
Just how much I really do miss you
Not a day goes by that you don't cross my mind
I've just had to learn to live without you
Without the everyday phone calls
Some days they were only 5 minutes long
Other days we'd talk for hours on end
But let me miss just a single day
And it felt like a whole week had passed
Without those calls my day just wasn’t complete
I think that might've been
One of the hardest things about losing you
I talked to you about every little thing I ever went thru
Didn’t matter if it was good or bad
Or whether it was even important at all
You were the one person I could tell anything
Never lied about anything at all
In you my deepest darkest secrets I kept
And no matter right or wrong
You supported me thru it all
And there's no one I trust that much
So much has changed
There's so much I wanna catch you up on
As I think about that call
I want so bad to make
I can't escape the tears that come crashing down
And remind yet again
It's all a part of missing you!!!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016

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You Can Always Find Yourself Again

The clock hits 3am
She sits quietly in the still of her own room
With her headphones in quietly she listens
In the dead of the night she sings along
Until that one song begins to play…yea you know the one
That song that hits so close to home
She finds herself looking thru old albums
The ones that show when she was his everything
When she meant so much more to him than just another friend
Just another girl he used to know
One he once loved more than life itself
Now from time to time he’ll call to check in
And every now and then in a moment of weakness
She’ll say something to remind him of the way things used to be 
They go back and forth sharing favorite memories
And laugh about all the good times they once shared
But does he know that for her it doesn’t stop there 
Those days may be long gone for him, just a great memory…
But those are the memories she’s still holding onto
Still she keeps them very close and very dear to her heart
And though she will always love him
She has had to learn to live without him
Slowly she tries to move on with her life
But every time she finds herself getting close to someone new
His every memory comes rushing back
And she knows that no one will ever compare
They’ve both dated other people, both said their own “I love you”
All the while the best of friends they remain
They both agree they’ll never find another love like theirs
There’s nothing in this whole world she wouldn’t give to have that back again
Never truly understanding why he continues to hold back
She knows she can’t spend forever waiting
On someone who may never really and truly be sure of what he wants
Forever her favorite memory he will be
But she’s held on for so long
She now knows it's time to move on and let him go
Because she can’t do it all on her own
In her heart he’ll always be her best friend
But together again is something they may never be
And she’s learned to be okay with that
Because if there’s one thing life has ever taught her
It's that people will come and go
You will teach and you will learn
But never try to force someone to stay
Because in time as one leaves 
Someone else will come in
And maybe one day they will look back and realize
They walked out on that one person that would’ve never done the same
And when they do by then it will be too late
By then someone will have come along and see everything they never could
So when you think you’ve lost it all
Get back up and try again
Don’t give up on love….
Cuz it won't ever give up on you!!!!!!!!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016

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Inner Strength

As I look out over the water
So many memories wash over me
When I need some time away
Here is where I want to be
Even though I know I shouldn’t keep coming here
There's something about this place that draws me in
And I just can't stay away
I tell myself it's not the memories from back then
But then I'm left to wonder 
What is it about this very place
So many memories I just can't shake
Somehow I find so much peace in this space
I've tried to find somewhere closer to home
But nowhere I ever go can compare
And even in being here
The pain from those memories I still bare
I keep coming back for one last time
But in my mind I know the truth
No matter where I run I can't escape my past
And the beauty of this place
Outweighs any pain you ever put me thru
After everything that happened between us
I never thought I'd get over you
But here and now I know
That over you I may never really be
But to live without you
Has become so much easier for me
And though I never thought it possible
I've learned to love once more
I'm so much happier than I have been in so long
It's nothing like the love I felt before
But then again how can you really compare
No two loves are ever the same
And I think that was something I had to learn
To you my words may seem so lame
But to me they are words of wisdom
Words I learn from, words I live by
In my life and in my poems every day I grow
Learning more and more
That words my mother once spoke
Are becoming more and more true
As I learn that even without you
After everything you put my heart thru
I can, I will, and I have loved again
The pain I had to bare because of you
The tears I shed
And the loves I lost
Were only stops along the way
Building me up higher and higher
Proving that within those secrets I held inside
Was a strength I was never certain I had
But one that has brought me here
Stronger than I was before
And yet not as strong as I will one day
Growing with each that passes
Knowing that with all that I've been thru
There's nothing I can't face
No  pain I can't bare
And no scar on my own heart
That won't find it's own way to heal!!!!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016

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Pictures of the Past

I continue to try and convince myself
That by keeping the pictures from my past
I'm not still holding on to a love I once knew
But tonight sitting here all alone
I took one last look but to my surprise
It wasn't love I saw looking back at me
It was just an old memory
Of the girl I used to be
All the places I'd been
And people I spent my time with
In that single moment I came to see
That I didn't have to forget my past
In order to be able to move on with my life
Still sometimes those pictures I keep hid
Can make me feel things I know I shouldn't feel
But I'm old enough now
To know none of that is real
1,000 memories with you
Forgotten photographs
It's all a part of my past
I tried so hard to fight
Only to find I never really needed to
What I felt when I was with you
Was as real as it could've ever been
But that love came and went
And we both moved on with our lives
I used to see it as such a crime
To remember you
And the way you made me feel
But now that I'm grown
I think back to that time and place
And now when I do I smile
We were young, dumb, and in love
We had so much fun
For so long we were the best of friends
I think back to the trips we took
All the new places we got to see
Driving around with your hand in mine
Even if those pictures where long gone
In my heart and in my mind
I can see it all as if it were just the other day
A time in my life I don't think I'll forget
Some things may fade away
But I doubt your memory ever will
And that's ok with me
It'll be a story to tell til the end of time
Bring a good laugh or two
Because since then I've come to find
It all made me who I am today
And when I look back on my life
I couldn't imagine not having those stories to tell
So for now all those pictures of the past
I'll tuck them all away
Wait for a rainy day
To bring them out again
To see the story they can tell
Of the girl I used to be
And laugh about all those old memories
Hidden away in old forgotten photographs!!!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016

Details | Jennifer Griffith Poem

A Prison of My Very Own

For entirely too long I held onto
This image I painted of you
But somewhere along the way
The man I met that August day
Got buried down deep inside
And the man I fell in love with died
Because the you that I now see
Is not the one who had a hold on me
He's been gone for quite some time
Now all that’s left is this rhyme
We used to be the best of friends
Even after our love had come to its end
Close friends we remained for a while
And now I can no longer picture your smile
Strangers is what we have become
After the past we come from
I never thought we'd end up here
All along that was my biggest fear
But I fell for you none-the-less
Then my feelings for you I was forced to suppress
I found a way to look you in the eye
And tell a bold face lie
Cuz I couldn’t completely let you go
The feelings were buried below
Behind my smile they hid
No one was to know what I did
And we all pretended it didn’t happen that way
But I lived in my own prison every single day
Sure that I'd never get over you
Swore it was something I just couldn't do
I told myself with a little time and space
You'd return with such an embrace
No words would have to be shared
Cuz we knew how much we cared
For so long I fed myself those lies
And countless rivers fell from my eyes
But your return never really came
So I finally decided to end the game
I learned there was nothing more I could do
It had all been left up to you
And you made your choice
In a low and broken voice
I whispered I love you once more
And for the last time I walked out your door
You didn’t say a thing at all
This time I felt only a single tear fall
Since that day
I've tried so hard to find my way
It's no longer as hard as it used to be
Now your face I can see
After all this time
I know this girl will be just fine
Since you've been gone I've really grown
Even managed to escape a prison of my very own!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016

Details | Jennifer Griffith Poem

A Part of Me Will Always Love You

Once upon a time
A time so long ago
Or so it seems
We sat in this very place
And made so many plans
We had it all figured out
We just knew we had forever
And that what we had 
Would last now and always
Once upon a time
Nothing in this whole world
Could ever come between us
Together there was nothing we couldn’t do
No sky was too high
No ocean too deep
No current to strong
No distance too far
Together we were ten foot tall and bullet proof
Once upon a time
With your hand in mine
We had it all
There were no secrets
There were no lies
You were my love
My best friend
You were always there
When I needed you most
But that time has come and gone
Time and time again
I’ve tried to get us back to the us we used to be
And too many times
My feelings have gotten hurt
My heart has been broken
And yet still I keep holding on
After all that we’ve been thru
Sitting here now
I know just what it is I have to do
My love for you has always been so strong
But where this love began
Here and now is where it must end
So as I sit here and write this poem for you
I will say those three words just one last time
In my final goodbye
I want you to know that a part of me will always love you!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016

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He's My Everything

Even though you're only 4
To me you mean so much more
Than you my love may ever know
Regardless of where  life makes you go
And no matter what anyone ever says to you
My love for you has always been true
And no one in my life will ever compare to
The love in my heart I hold for you
A lot of time has passed
And you are growing up so fast
Our time together is never enough
And walking away is always rough
I try not to let you see me cry
But it's never easy to say goodbye
As a mom my mistakes were more than a few
And the price I paid was with you
And I live with that every day
But the reminders never go away
Because of you I still try
To you my son I will not lie
You bring out a strength in me
That before I was too blind to see
You've gotten me thru my darkest days
And though for now you they may raise
I promise to never give up the fight
Perhaps one day you just might
Understand what we've been thru
And know I never gave up on you
I struggle day in and day out
But for you is what it's all about
And one day here very soon
We'll have more than just Sunday afternoon
I promise you I'll make this right
Until then I won't give up the fight
Mommy loves you, my little man
And I will continue to do all I can
Because home with me is where you belong
And this has gone on for far too long
But we've seen worse so we can see better
I love you to the moon and back
Now and Forever!!!!!!!

Copyright © Jennifer Griffith | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things