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Realm Untethered: a Woman's Sun

In a realm untethered, a woman birthed her own sun, Her radiant hands ablaze with ethereal hues. Beneath her feet, the earth burgeoned, an ever-fertile expanse, embracing all within its grasp, its essence aglow in tangerine trance. From this fusion emerged a tranquil serenade, as tranquil breath whispered on, an orange cascade. Melodies danced on zephyr's wings, A symphony woven with celestial strings. Notes, delicate and gentle, kissed the air, Enchanting all with their melodious flair. Her sun, a celestial orb of golden fire, Radiated warmth, a divine desire. Its rays bathed the world in a luminous embrace, Filling hearts with love, bestowing grace. Through verdant meadows and ancient groves, Her touch breathed life, where lifelessness roves. Flowers bloomed with petals ablaze, Drinking in the sun's ethereal rays. The woman, a creator, a master of dreams, Sculpted landscapes with mystical themes. Mountains rose high, touching the heavens above, Valleys carved deep, embracing all with love. Her steps left trails of magic and wonder, Where miracles sprouted, like blossoms from under. Whispers of her wisdom, secrets untold, Unraveled in stories, legends of old. Yet, beneath her ethereal veil of might, Lay a heart gentle, compassionate, and bright. She nurtured the world, every living soul, With kindness and love, her eternal goal. In her realm untethered, beauty thrived, A kaleidoscope of dreams, vibrant and alive. And as she birthed her sun, her creation's crown, She reveled in the symphony of life, all around. For in this tapestry of her celestial art, She wove the threads that bound every heart. A woman, a goddess, with power untold, In her realm untethered, love and harmony unfold. :: 05.24.2023

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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