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POEM NO 10,000 a retrospective

Poet's Notes

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SP Summer 2024

My First poem posted here May 2007 was  an enigmatic Lanterne Viduage Tall nettles- the dutch hoe rusting in the shed. My First ekphrasis (poem no 2 here ) BELLA Bella He opened the window- in streamed his first love with flowers, dressed in white- she haunted his art. An Ekphrasis in lanterne  sequence on Marc Chagall MY FIRST POEM I EVER WROTE poem no 3 here. a favoured form  AN ALLITERATION Connections Confront,clash,collide COMBAT ! Cold shoulder,chill,cool CUT-OFF ! Cry,crave,collect CALL-ON ! Constant,compassion,consider CHARITY ! Confer,commune,converse COMMUNICATE ! Convene,concert,consensus CONCORD ! COVENANT ! CHRIST ! CHURCH ! MY FIRST IMAGIST POEM -REFLECTIONS Reflections Deep into the pool A blue moon,ephemeral, Below white-coated peaks, Bleak and surreal, The transient image too soon Dissolves,and ripples into space, As water though my grasp. MY FIRST CINQUAIN (after Adelaide Crapsey) Long days Of August sun Where nature blinks and shrinks The dying grass,yellowed in sleep- Held fast MY FIRST HIKU On the wind,a bell Muffled from across the square Raindrops fill the air why hiku ? HAIKU means the ' phonetical&cultural original 'in Japanese' whereas HIKU is the English language version(including translations)with similar economy of words without "telling all" thereby to ' show ' (conforming to the key to true imagist poetry),&to avoid 'as'&'to' & the use of past tense verbs (often without verbs,adverbs,adjectives )A verse freed from syllabic constraint within its triplicity of format& inherently enigmatic & still with a caesura and surprise ending MY FIRST TANKA- BREAKING UP apart again crestfallen within my longing persists- we dis-engage into parallel lives FIRST FOOTLE Jan 2009 (Plural footles never really appealed- I prefer my original creation) Footle-Bonnie & Clyde too snide both died MY FIRST(& Only PRIZE WINNER POEM )(75$ iN THOSE Soup  DAYS OF 2007) ELEVEN :ELEVEN: ELEVEN Chill breath of autumn Sears the poppy scarlet red, On his memory'd cenotaph. Tears trickle in the furrowed Faces of young comrades long dead MY FIRST OPEN FORM CONCEPTION Standing as in a dream             bemused in my private world alone and yet surrounded by others                 thoughts read digested and considered waiting listening then              writing my verse I awake,content until the next time ( Year Posted 2012) OPEN VERSE using spaces&breaks/no grammatical symbols /relying on 'the one breath limitation'/this intuitive cadence permits the 'reader' (reciter)to respond in an interpretative-interplay unique** to the ' happening moment' MY FIRST BLOG -HIGH&WIDE-DEEP&LONG (from 2007) Augustine(died 604)said of John's gospel.."it is deep enough for an elephant to swim and shallow enogh for a child not to drown"...Not too many books or poems could make such a claim,often falling between one or the other.Although it is perhaps,one of theintellectual aspirations to which some poetry sometmes attains.A useful goal in any event.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 5/31/2024 8:34:00 PM
You're an amazing poet my dear poet fried, Sir. Thank you so much for sharing again these superb poems that exhibit your exceptional talent in poetry. Once again, my warmest Congrats! May 10, 2007 when I moved here in my borrowed country. 5 yrs later, I found PS and became my 1st love, I found you all. Thank u so much for your support and inspiration as one of the pioneered poets here. Thank u so much for sharing your outstanding poetry. I also read them off-line on my fon. God Bless. hugs.
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Date: 5/18/2024 12:12:00 PM
Dear brian, how exciting to look back, and reminisce and also reflect on how far youv come as a poet and artist! 10,000 thats massive! Huge achievement! And youv been here on soup for so long and supported so many too: iv only been here for a while and im grateful for all your support! As for the poems youv shared! I really love the imagist hiku and also cinquain! So beautiful! I wouldnt dare share my first ever written poems for these forms as they werent as good as this! Congratulations, fave!
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things