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I Fear

My greatest fear is, I must say Not sounding frightening, that's ok letting my guard down, letting someone in I can't allow the hurt, over and over again To me it's a great unpredictable concern Thinking after a few times, I would learn Keeping my guard up, is safe I have found Not letting in anything, not even a sound It isn't the best way to handle it though That in itself, will not allow me to grow So how do I meet it, at least halfway All options I find I myself must weigh How do I keep myself from yet another fall And still keep my head up standing tall I fear the fear, of just falling it seems I fear of not fulfilling, all of my dreams If only I was able to give someone my heart Without having, completely torn apart

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 10/1/2019 11:45:00 AM
The last two lines tell much. Well penned
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Chiri Avatar
Brenda Chiri
Date: 10/1/2019 11:50:00 AM
Thank you my friend!;)
Date: 10/1/2019 9:16:00 AM
Glad it's just a poem, but a very good one, congrats Brenda on an excellent verse!
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Brenda Chiri
Date: 10/1/2019 11:27:00 AM
That's so nice of you John! Thank you;)
Date: 9/30/2019 8:58:00 AM
An emotional and heartfelt write, Brenda.. Penned beautifully!! Many blessings to you, my friend..
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Brenda Chiri
Date: 10/1/2019 11:26:00 AM
Robertina thank you my friend!;)
Date: 9/25/2019 3:41:00 PM
Such a powerful piece Brenda, full of emotion and raw honesty for indeed fear is an awful thing wherever it hits us its sore real sore! a real stunning piece indeed! it must be a fav for me.
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Brenda Chiri
Date: 9/26/2019 1:45:00 PM
Thank you Gordon so much! You seem to get it and I appreciate that!:)
Date: 9/25/2019 2:58:00 PM
Hope I got that right. Was not sure if you meant with all people or just with a special someone!
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Brenda Chiri
Date: 9/26/2019 1:44:00 PM
Lol your fine Andrea! It could be anyone!;)
Date: 9/25/2019 2:57:00 PM
that is a sad fear, Brenda. I wear my heart on my sleeve, though I am not all that demonstrative. I never had to face being without a partner. My husband and I were just young'uns when we married, so I have not had to worry about this concern you have. It must be difficult! As for friends, I hope you can learn to let your guard down with the good ones you have!
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Brenda Chiri
Date: 9/26/2019 1:43:00 PM
I do too Andrea but with age comes holding aback! Guess I'm lucky this is just a poem! Thank you so much!;)
Date: 9/25/2019 11:54:00 AM
life is all about chances the way i see it, we live with regret if we don't take chances, but i guess you have to bury past pain first...good penning my friend :) hugs
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Brenda Chiri
Date: 9/26/2019 1:40:00 PM
Thank you Sandy!;)
Date: 9/25/2019 9:35:00 AM
This is simply beautiful.. You penned an amazing poem that anyone will adore. It speaks beautifully. I LOVE it. Faving it.... Bless you, my friend
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Brenda Chiri
Date: 9/26/2019 1:40:00 PM
Regina thank you so much! Appreciate the read and fav!;)
Date: 9/25/2019 8:29:00 AM
Beautifully done Brenda. My answer is first you have to believe in yourself. Once you realize how truly amazing you are, falling becomes a thing of the past
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Brenda Chiri
Date: 9/26/2019 1:40:00 PM
Aha it's not I who should realize it but it doesn't matter it's just s poem!;) thanks Chris!;)

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