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Great People

There are some great people Who treat you as their own pupil Until you confront a trouble some great persons are there All the euphoric events they share After fathoming your agony, don't they dare care There are some great minds To hear your happy verses they incline And when you lament, they abruptly decline By embracing you, they make you ween they are gem And desperately shove off, when you need them Not even the almighty can predict their traits But the time could rip up the masks tight And when you perceive them and try to dodge Ungrateful person you are, they accord a badge When time unveils these personalities Be thankful that it also retrieved your ability Having discerning true faces of those great peep Be thankful that you are able to know them deep

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 12/4/2021 6:59:00 AM
People you give us an umbrella when the sun is shining and then take it away again when it rains. I was horrified one day when a lady i met recently in the estate we live in, ran down her one of her so called best friend to me, and criticized the way she walks as she has a slight impediment. a wonderful write and so true of some people but not too many thank goodness. blessings and hugs, Jennifer.
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Date: 12/4/2021 6:58:00 AM
People you give us an umbrella when the sun is shining and then take it away again when it rains. I was horrified one day when a lady i met recently in the estate we live in, ran down her one of her so called best friend to me, and criticized the way she walks as she has a slight impediment. a wonderful write and so true of some people but not too many thank goodness. blessings and hugs, Jennifer.
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Date: 11/20/2021 5:36:00 AM
I believe you are writing about two-faced people who say something without really meaning it and their actions don't reconcile with their words. Without a doubt that is so true, Supraja. You said it well.
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Kannan Avatar
Supraja Kannan
Date: 11/21/2021 8:54:00 AM
Yes and also about the persons who take part only in your happy times and would leave when we need them... Thank you so much for your kind words...
Date: 11/19/2021 10:53:00 PM
A deep thought provoking poem, Supraja. Well done. ~~
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Supraja Kannan
Date: 11/21/2021 8:55:00 AM
Thank you so much... Glad you found it thought provoking...

Book: Reflection on the Important Things