Flower Or Weed
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We seek out special flowers in the field,
That stand among the weeds in scarce array…
Quick pluck them from the thorns, a tiny yield,
Arrange them, stem by stem for our display.
Then serving on a table, shelf or sill,
Their fragrant beauty eases stress and strife,
While in the field, the crowded weeds will still
Meander on in wild pursuit of life.
The weeds grow dense and tangled in their clime,
Drink deep of soil and live for sun and rain,
While full, rich flowers, giving of their prime,
Will sooner wilt, their goodness spent for gain.
What's best to be—a carefree, rambling weed,
Or special flower, plucked to serve a need?
Sandra M. Haight
~9th Place~
Premiere Contest: Contest No 219
Sponsor: Brian Strand
Judged: 10/07/2016
~3rd Place~
Contest: Screwed XI
Sponsor: Rob Carmack
Judged: 03/01/2016
Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2014
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