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A Brief Shaggy Dog Story that actually Ends

A shaggy dog espied a graceful cat She arched her back, he fell flat on his jowls, she pivoted - nose up His paws akimbo, Shaggy arfed Wait, dear cat, I can explain that But Graceful didn't miss a stride After all, she had her pride Who needs a mangy mutt who falls she thought, a dame like me must be bought Now Shaggy may be clumsy, but he's not deaf He heard Graceful mewing under her breath She loves me sure, Shaggy felt His tender heart, her icy exterior would melt So Shaggy scrambled after her, closing in fast When he drew close, she turned around at last It was then that he saw Graceful's face up close "Adios," he cried ~ Her whiskers were caespitose

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/28/2023 5:07:00 PM
What a fun story, but I saw that punch line word coming a mile away, lol.
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Date: 11/28/2023 3:08:00 PM
got a kick out of this one, Gershon. Shaggy was one smart pooch. Clever one, sir. Have a great evening, Sara
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Date: 11/28/2023 8:03:00 AM
Nice one my friend. My dog is constantly patrolling the yard, looking for the neighbor's cat. He just wants to play but she wants nothing to do with him. I think the three-year-old dog and the 14-year-old cat don't have much in common.
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Date: 11/27/2023 9:36:00 PM
Hahaha! I enjoyed your story. We have two cats and a dog at home, but unfortunately they don’t get along well. Well done! :)
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Book: Shattered Sighs