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Does Poetry Move You? - Candice Yates's Blog

About Candice Yates
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I am a Poet, freelance writer, content writer, blogger, and copywriter. I have published one book called Paranoid Is Marie Poetry: Love and Misery. I have been writing for over 16 years and it's my absolute favorite pass time, career, hobby, and number one love. I publish a lot of different content. So look forward to articles, blogs, and loads of poetry!

Does Poetry Move You?

Blog Posted:9/21/2023 12:47:00 AM

When you think of poetry, what comes to mind? I think of the little things in life being appreciated and not taken for granted. When I write poetry, I want to express myself to the fullest. But I want to be moved when I read other people's poetry. I want to feel things I didn't know was possible. Sometimes, I think I want too much from poetry. 

Have you ever read something that blew you away? I like to think that I blow people away with my work. But when I come across someone's work that is a complete masterpiece, I can only be grateful that I was able to read it. It's a real treasure, isn't it? But why does poetry move you?

Why Poetry Can Move Mountains

I wrote my first poem in middle school when I was just a girl. And I had no idea that it was any good. Not until my literature teacher approached me the next day in class and told me that my poem was really good. He even read it to the class to showcase how that specific form of a poem should be written. 

I instantly got high on the success of that one poem. And I was hooked from the start. And ever since that day, I have written for any and every reason. Yet I'll never forget reading my first poem. Well, the first poem that moved me. It would have brought me to my knees had I been standing then. 

It was about a woman who was lost. And when I tell you, it was beyond perfection. Every word had its place. And I'll be honest, it was a poem with words that I didn't know the definition of. I had to look them up to understand the entire poem, but when I finally understood, I was speechless. 

It was so much better because of those lesser-known words. It made it even more interesting and different because anyone can write a simple word poem. Many famous poets have very simply written poetry. And it's great. However, I am fascinated by the words that describe something better than just using the simple name of what you are trying to express. 

There are words for EVERYTHING, and I mean everything. If you are writing and you think, hmm, there has to be another way to word this to express what I am trying to say better. And I'm telling you, there absolutely is a better descriptive word out there to describe anything you have to say. 

So, what kind of poetry moves you? I would love to hear from other amazing writers about their favorite details of poems. 


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Date: 9/24/2023 2:45:00 PM
I love Sylvia Plath’s poem “Tulips,” in which there is a twist in the way she views the flowers that hurt her - they are too red. I also love “Bells,” by Poe. The poem has a haunting repetitiveness. So I like a unique poem.
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Date: 9/24/2023 11:54:00 AM
I read lots of poems, and I am moved only once in a while because I have a short attention span and stuggle with long wordy poems. If the poem uses short lines and is a bit long, that's ok. If the message is wonderful and the images and word structure are also perfect, that is what moves me. We are all moved by different things. I love also alliteration, metaphors and personification a lot. I am moved by succinct eloquence. If I do not understand a poem, I have a hard time liking it.
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Rodrigues Avatar
Kim Rodrigues
Date: 9/24/2023 2:47:00 PM
I also have a short attention span. I have a contact for reading far away and one for close up and it is not ideal. I do the best I can. Hugs
Date: 9/24/2023 6:08:00 AM
Being a seasoned poetry sponsor on this site as well as an avid reader of classical poetry, yes, it does move me. I love all forms of poetry and I give my contest participants plenary freedom to choose whatever form they desire. I particularly look for literary devices such as metaphor, symbolism, euphony, allegory, etc. Imagery, spelling and grammar are crucially important as well. I don't care much about presentation; as long as a poem makes sense and connects with me on an emotional level, it's most likely a win.
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/26/2023 4:40:00 PM
I'm seasoned too. A little parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Is that what you meant Ed?
Date: 9/22/2023 3:54:00 PM
Poetry does not need to be only words, it can be anything that stirs the soul, so yes, poetry moves me
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Date: 9/22/2023 1:31:00 PM
Poetry does moves me, to the extent, that sometimes reading another poets poem, sets me off writing my own with no connection at all to what I've just read. It can take one word, then I see a scene. it hits the spot. To me, its parallel to music, and sometimes the timing is right :) nice blog if I may say so :)
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Date: 9/22/2023 11:23:00 AM
The poetry bug stung me with rhyme and such heartfelt musings. I became entranced, slurping its drug, constantly using. A happy and dancing little believing addicted fool. Born at the true brighten and salacious shining age of just fifteen. Now an old stone at fifty plus years later, still typing. Although I am not a too damn smart guy, poetry is indeed my lonesome art. --Tyr
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Parker Avatar
Arlo Parker
Date: 9/22/2023 1:27:00 PM
Robert's work shows his love of craft and years of honing it. :o)
Date: 9/22/2023 6:57:00 AM
AH, poetry, a place where you can write things you didn't even know you knew, scourge a soul, enfold a heart, vent a spleen, blow a kiss, say a prayer, start a the old song says: "it's only words but words are all I have to take your heart away"
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Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 9/22/2023 11:19:00 AM
I think many of us have checked off each and every one of the items you mentioned, John. Plus a few. Your comments are as poetically appealing as your poetry. Ok. that's enough of that. I found that mug.
Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 9/22/2023 8:35:00 AM
I'm sorry John but if you are going to keep being brilliant I'll keep tailing you and pretending I know you from the crowd :D another spot on observation
Date: 9/21/2023 8:58:00 PM
I guess reasons vary as of our heart’s affinity, as drawn to the external and the internal. In my case, it is about spirituality (not to be confused with religion). Stirrings that arise in our heart, contemplated upon with a mindful eye in silence, collaborates with universe to express in dualistic language, the essence of singularity, as it manifests within in patterns of sacred geometry. Thus, attempting to delineate the inexpressible, yet a rhythm is energised, albeit with the image distorted because the canvas is contorted. Poetry.
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Date: 9/21/2023 1:43:00 PM
very interesting..i too like learning new words; i don't mind if i have to look up a word, how else do we expand our vocabulary? however, peppering a poem with too many unusual, obscure words is not good..i write what i like to read, which is very contemporary - it excites me in a way traditional poetry just doesn't..i'm drawn to gritty realism and controversial subject matter, and a lot of my poetry is autobiographical..strangely, i wasn't really interested in poetry until i was about fifteen, up until then i wrote mainly prose/fiction; picked up a book of modern poetry one day and loved it, so started writing it and sending it out to editors
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Puddifoot Avatar
Charlotte Puddifoot
Date: 9/21/2023 4:37:00 PM
sweet of you to say, thank you :)
Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/21/2023 1:47:00 PM
Your poetry is heartbreaking to read, but should be required reading for all PS members imho
Date: 9/21/2023 11:25:00 AM
Candice In my first few months on here I was VERY badly bullied by a guy who didn't like the fact my 'simple' poems were more popular than his perfectly penned sonnets. He was so nasty that I almost left the site and it was only through friends that I stayed. At the end of the day poetry is subjective there is space on soup for all styles whether simple like mine or more complex but i will never stop trying to make folk smile
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 9/24/2023 12:19:00 PM
Me too Andrea, and I have such fun writing limericks, I never wrote them before I joined soup in fact I think i wrote my first one for a soup contest i had never heard of haiku and tanka!!! If a poem is long winded and hard to understand I simply switch off
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 9/24/2023 11:56:00 AM
I prefer fun limericks to overblown poems that go on forever. i am sure many differ in their opinions of that. I also love tanka and haiku that are done well.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 9/21/2023 2:06:00 PM
I was only expressing what happened to me Candice:-)
Yates Avatar
Candice Yates
Date: 9/21/2023 12:29:00 PM
I'm not trying to bully anyone. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I think everyone has their own way of connecting with poetry.
Date: 9/21/2023 9:33:00 AM
Candice, often it only takes one sincere comment on something we’ve written that serves as the impetus for us to keep writing and try new poetic forms. There are so many ways in which we can use poetry to express our emotions, whether elation or sadness. Craig’s thoughts are my own as far as writing what pleases us. If it does, it was worth penning. If others relate and enjoy it… it’s a bonus. A Thesaurus is a useful tool if it’s not overused and a good way to build your vocabulary.
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Yates Avatar
Candice Yates
Date: 9/21/2023 10:45:00 AM
You're absolutely right. Everyone enjoys poetry in their own way.
Date: 9/21/2023 8:38:00 AM
I think everyone has a little bit of different taste when it comes to writing. My wife is a social worker for foster care. She deals with a lot of kids who are abandoned by their parents due to drug use or just because they don’t care. I feel that my strongest poems have been written about children being abandoned and the amazing souls who help them.
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Candice Yates
Date: 9/21/2023 10:45:00 AM
I, too, feel like my best work has come from painful experiences. As well as from the painful experiences of others who have shared their stories with me over the years. I relate to the broken, and my brokenness has produced thousands of resplendent poems.
Date: 9/21/2023 7:46:00 AM
My poetry style is 'simple' and although I enjoy writing and reading humourous poetry on soup. I do try my hand at other forms and I still have a lot to learn. As for some poems here, I agree with Craig, if I need a dictionary then I give up or it the poem is so 'high brow 'and only the writer understands it, once again I switch off.
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Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 9/21/2023 11:16:00 AM
Passion is the elixir - funny about certain poems that were written in the midst of heightened emotions - I will delete or alter any poem (forever) unless it is one like your "Splendid Isolation"... those are sacrosanct no matter how poetically good or bad they are -- "Firsts and Lasts" will never be changed in our hearts -- everything in between is up for grabs, yet so are/were our emotions then, when we're not "The fly on the picture" - we can see better, but then, define "better"... THAT, I think, is the obscure answer and what makes poetry like a mirror of a mirror - infinite - may it never be otherwise and spoil all our consternations?!
Yates Avatar
Candice Yates
Date: 9/21/2023 10:41:00 AM
I understand that. I don't like reading poetry that has nothing but overly complex words in it. However, when an univocal word is used at the right time to express a certain emotion or feeling, it can completely transform a piece of work. But I have spent many hours with my nose in the dictionary and thesaurus. So, I have come to learn many engrossing words.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 9/21/2023 10:09:00 AM
Craig, when I look back on my first poem 'Splendid Isolation' (written when my hubby was actually in cancer surgery). I now know how it could be improved, but I was a total novice to poetry and have learned so so much since joining soup. although I would never change a single word, it was written from the heart. To be honest I never liked poetry at school I found it dull and boring so I wanted to show folk it can be FUN so I went with humour with my first poem on soup.
Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 9/21/2023 8:38:00 AM
Funny Jan & Candice, it's truly subjectivity at its best and boils down to "What makes you the happiest - the most rewarded" when you reread it? The more complex you get, the more your audience shrinks but if you simplify the message to "Mary had a lamb", it's the obverse. So ... who is your target audience after yourself? If it is to impress the contemporary Avant-garde, it's free-verse that is complex with some spicy vocabulary mixed in to impress the snobs. I think the bottom line, to simplify, might be to write what makes you happy, write what you think will make just a few people ponder your thoughts after you're gone ... pieces of you?
Date: 9/21/2023 7:23:00 AM
Personally, and I have a very good vocabulary, if I have to look up more than a word or two, I don't bother, unless the content is so captivating I can't resist, which is very seldom. Yes, anyone can write a poem with simple words but anyone can write a poem with "any' words, because it's not the words, it's the phrasing, the mood you paint with them and often simplicity creates the most complex and powerfully poignant thoughts.
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Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 9/22/2023 8:24:00 AM
Don't worry Jan - I was just having a breather - as humans do :)
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 9/22/2023 7:03:00 AM
Dilly are you Ok, i am concerned about you, as you now have comments and soup mails turned off. hugs jan xx
Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 9/22/2023 12:48:00 AM
I think that's the power of poetry Craig - the encapsulation of something fleeting expressed so another can connect and be moved. There's another genre which is poetic language on a page - that's akin to colouring in and can create a pretty picture whereas art might look like chaos but has true meaning. Art can be pretty pictures too but the reason some makes it to the gallery and stands the test of time is the emotion in the brush strokes. What I love about art is that not everyone has to like the same things but the hope is they'll only rave about something they truly appreciated.
Yates Avatar
Candice Yates
Date: 9/21/2023 10:31:00 AM
I understand what you are saying. But for me, I need words that have deeper meanings. When I come across a word that describes or expresses how I am feeling in such a pluperfect way, I feel like I've been able to evince myself fully. Because anyone can say, "I am happy." But when you change it to "Halcyon flows within me." It completely changes how the phrase is conveyed. Don't get me wrong, simple poetry is beautiful in its own simplistic way. But I need to express my feelings and emotions in a way that is univocal. I love learning new words, too; that's why I am passionate about writing poetry.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 9/21/2023 7:39:00 AM
I can't agree with you more Craig,
Date: 9/21/2023 6:30:00 AM
Nice blog Candice. I write a lot on homelessness, disadvantage, pain. But I also write of love and longing. Mostly I love writing fiction. But what I enjoy reading are sweet love poems by those who really know how to write them. I guess I'm a romantic at heart, but not particularly adept at writing romance. There are a few here whose poetry really tugs at my heart. I'll have to stop your way and see what you've got
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 9/21/2023 12:47:00 PM
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Candice Yates
Date: 9/21/2023 10:36:00 AM
My best poetry has been written out of pure agony, pain, suffering, addiction, mental illness, and trauma. My work that is written from my struggles has always gotten the most positive feedback. I love romantic poetry as well. I have one poem I wrote, and I will post it here. It is called "Relationship Correlation." I would love your feedback.

My Past Blog Posts

Blog: Poetry's Creative Way of Expressing Mental Illness
Date Posted: 10/18/2023 1:41:00 PM
Addiction: What You Should Know/How It Shaped My Life and My Poetic Form
Date Posted: 9/24/2023 9:19:00 PM
Does Poetry Move You?
Date Posted: 9/21/2023 12:47:00 AM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
9/21/2023 Relationship Correlation Free verselove,
9/20/2023 Forced Nature Free verseconfusion,corruption,drea
10/23/2022 Wicked Tactics Free verseangst,conflict,confusion,
10/23/2022 Faulse Memory Free verseaddiction,dark,dream,drug
10/17/2022 Flames Flicker Free verseautumn,beauty,fire,fun,oc
10/15/2022 Now Let Us Just Dream Free versecute love,desire,devotion
10/15/2022 I Want To Sway and Bend Rhymebeauty,car,creation,envir
10/15/2022 Merlin the Magical Cat Rhymeanimal,cat,dance,magic,po
10/15/2022 Crystals Dance Inside My Dreams Rhymeabsence,abuse,addiction,c
10/15/2022 Breathing In Glory Rhymeangel,blessing,blue,dedic
10/15/2022 Something To Pass the Time Rhymecute love,for him,husband
10/5/2022 The Poems I Never Wrote Rhymeabsence,beauty,depression

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things