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Famous Toni Morrison Quotations

Best famous Toni Morrison quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Toni Morrison. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Toni Morrison.

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Quote Left How soon country people forget. When they fall in love with a city it is forever, and it is like forever. As though there never was a time when they didn't love it. The minute they arrive at the train station or get off the ferry and glimpse the wide streets and the wasteful lamps lighting them, they know they are born for it. There, in a city, they are not so much new as themselves: their stronger, riskier selves. Quote Right
Quote Left Bit by bit ... she had claimed herself. Freeing yourself was one thing; claiming ownership of that freed self was another. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me. Quote Right
Quote Left As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you speak. Quote Right
Quote Left What I think the political correctness debate is really about is the power to be able to define. The definers want the power to name. And the ... Quote Right
Quote Left She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind Quote Right
Quote Left Beloved, you are my sister, you are my daughter, you are my face; you are me. Quote Right
Quote Left She is a friend of my mind... The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. Quote Right
Quote Left There is really nothing more to say except why. But since why is difficult to handle, one must take refuge in how. Quote Right
Quote Left Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all. Quote Right
Quote Left When there is pain, there are no words. All pain is the same. Quote Right
Quote Left Like any artist with no art form, she became dangerous. Quote Right
Quote Left (Love) is easily the most empty clich�©, the most useless word, and at the same time the most powerful human emotionbecause hatred is involved in it, too. Quote Right

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry