Fine vapors escape from whatever is doing the living. The night is cold and delicate and full of angels...

I remember meeting you in a dark dream Of April, you or some girl, The necklace of wishes alive and breathing around your throat.

Everything is being blown away; A little horse trots with a letter in its mouth, which is read with eagerness...

... like a Wave on a beach, that thinks it's had this...

As words go crying after themselves, leaving the dream Upended in a puddle somewhere As though "dead" were just another adjective.

All of our lives is a rebus Of little wooden animals painted shy, Terrific colors, magnificent and horrible, Close together.

And we may be led, then, upward through more Powerful forms of poetry, past columns...

A moment that gave not only itself, but Also the means of keeping it, of not turning to dust...

Extreme patience and persistence are required, Yet everybody succeeds at this before being handed...

With all of my power of living I am forced to lie on the floor.

We are happy in our way of life. It doesn't make much sense to others. We sit about, Read, and are restless.

... the girls who came at dawn To pay a visit to the young child, and how, when he grew up to be a man...

... that there is no other way, That the history of creation proceeds according to...

There is the view that poetry should improve your life. I think people confuse it with the Salvation Army.

Another time I go outside Into the world. It rocks on and on. It was rocking before I saw it And is presumably doing so still.

Some day I'll claim to you how all used up I am because of you but in the meantime the ride...

As words go crying after themselves, leaving the dream Upended in a puddle somewhere As though 'dead' were just another adjective.

So we may never Again feel fully confident of the stratagem that bore us...

There is no going back, For standing still means death, and life is moving on,...

How much longer will I be able to inhabit the divine sepulcher Of life, my great love?

And suddenly, to be dying Is not a little or mean or cheap thing, Only wearying, the heat unbearable ...

Silly girls your heads full of boys

For these are moments only, moments of insight, And there are reaches to be attained,...

And of the other things death is a new office building filled with modern furniture, A wise thing, but which has no purpose for us.

The light that was shadowed then Was seen to be our lives,...

For what Is remarkable about our chronic reverie (a watch...

And the serial continues: Pain, expiation, delight, more pain,...

But it is the same thing we are all seeing, Our world. Go after it,...

'This is what my learning Teaches,' the Aquarian said, 'To absorb life through the pores For the life around you is dead.'

We are prisoners of the world's demented sink. The soft enchantments of our years of innocence...
