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Famous Jerry Coleman Quotations

Best famous Jerry Coleman quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Jerry Coleman. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Jerry Coleman.

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Quote Left Last night's homer was Willie Stargell's 399th career home run, leaving him one shy of 500. Quote Right
Quote Left The way he's swinging the bat, he won't get a hit until the 20th century. Quote Right
Quote Left Finley is going over to get a new piece of bat. Quote Right
Quote Left Ozzie makes a leaping, diving stop, shovels to Fernando and everybody drops everything. Quote Right
Quote Left Gonzo leaps like a giraffe and grabs it. Quote Right
Quote Left There is someone warming up in the Giants' bullpen, but he's obscured by his number. Quote Right
Quote Left They've taken the foot off Johnny Grubb. Uh, they've taken the shoe off Johnny Grubb. Quote Right
Quote Left If Pete Rose brings the Reds in first, they ought to bronze him and put him in cement. Quote Right
Quote Left At the end of six innings of play, it's Montreal 5, Expos 3. Quote Right
Quote Left From the way Denny's shaking his head, he's either got an injured shoulder or a gnat in his eye. Quote Right
Quote Left There's a shot up the alley. Oh, it's just foul. Quote Right
Quote Left There's a deep fly ball... Winfield goes back, back... his head hits the wall ... it's rolling towards second base. Quote Right
Quote Left Davis fouls out to third in fair territory. Quote Right
Quote Left The new Haitian baseball can't weigh more than four ounces or less than five. Quote Right
Quote Left There's two heads to every coin. Quote Right
Quote Left Thomas is racing for it, but McCovey is there and can't get his glove to it. That play shows the inexperience, not on Thomas' part, but on the part of Willie McC ... well, not on McCovey's part either. Quote Right
Quote Left Houston has its largest crowd of the night here this evening. Quote Right
Quote Left Gaylord Perry and Willie McCovey should know each other like a book. They've been ex-teammates for years now. Quote Right
Quote Left Kent Abbott is in the on-deck circuit. Quote Right
Quote Left I don't mean he missed him, but he just didn't get him when he put the tag on him. Quote Right
Quote Left I sure hope you're staying alive for the upcoming Dodgers series. Quote Right
Quote Left It's off the leg and into the left field of Doug Radar. Quote Right
Quote Left Turner pulls into second with a sun-blown double. Quote Right
Quote Left The Padres, after winning the first game of the doubleheader, are ahead here in the top of the fifth and hoping for a split. Quote Right
Quote Left At the end, excitement maintained its hysteria. Quote Right
Quote Left Grubb goes back, back... He's under the warning track and makes the play. Quote Right
Quote Left Edwards missed getting Stearns at third base by an eyeball. Quote Right
Quote Left Billy Almon has all of his inlaw and outlaws here this afternoon. Quote Right
Quote Left Winfield goes back to the wall. He hits his head on the wall and it rolls off! It's rolling all the way back to second base! This is a terrible thing for the Padres! Quote Right
Quote Left Jesus Alou is in the on-deck circus. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things