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Famous Illuminati Quotations

Best famous Illuminati quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Illuminati. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Illuminati.

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Quote Left Friends come and friends go, but enemies accumulate. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Illuminati

Quote Left Bloom in both light and darkness, wherever God has planted us -- His Love our Source and eternal illumination. Quote Right
Quote Left In the profound trenches where our verdicts dwell, Cryptic truths cloak themselves in silent tide. Yet, through the majestic dance of redemption's spell, An incandescent love unfolds, an illuminating guide. Quote Right
Quote Left "The poet's pen weaves magic through ink and paper, illuminating the ordinary with extraordinary hues. With each stroke, worlds unfurl and emotions ignite, inviting hearts to dance in the realm of verse." Quote Right
Quote Left Expelling the Darkness a Revolutionary Exodus, Illumination is the Calling I Rendezvous with Excellence Quote Right
Quote Left Someone said my poem was “a moving piece”. They gave me the gift of epiphany. The implication being that everything from each of us is part of a whole. Each experience, thought, intent, action or utterance, is a “piece”. This is why art is a portal of sorts, a gateway or a bridge. It links us one to all. Each artist, an engineer who builds a “piece”, constructed from the light inside their soul. Each point of light that shared provides illumination of our greater whole. Quote Right
Quote Left Even a fool has moments of illumination and vivid inspiration. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things