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Read Poems by Deborah Guenther Beachboard

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Below are poems written by poet Deborah Guenther Beachboard. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Light Pollution

the Milky Way
of her childhood
is gone from the sky

Note: a recent science article said that when a large city suffers a major earthquake and loses all electric power, such as happened with the Northridge quake back in the 90s, the emerceny centers are flooded with calls asking "What has happened to the sky?" because without city lights the night sky is visible in all it's glory and many who live in the light pollution of city lights have never seen the Milky Way. The article got me thinking that it has been a long time since I have seen it.  I didn't realize until that moment how pervasive is the light pollution even in my rural area.

Copyright © Deborah Guenther Beachboard | Year Posted 2018


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Date: 1/17/2021 1:44:00 PM

The sky is definitely not as visually accessable as it used to be; sad. Nice one Deborah.
Date: 4/16/2018 3:08:00 PM

I was visiting a friend an hour away from me and was amazed at the you said milky way and all. So sad we don’t get to see the sky due to pollution
Date: 4/16/2018 2:56:00 PM

how sad to read that light pollution is so bad folks can't see the milky way. we have very little light pollution on our little Island in fact it's brilliant for star gazing:-) makes me realise how lucky I am:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 4/16/2018 2:47:00 PM

Lovely, Deborah.
Date: 4/16/2018 2:45:00 PM

Great write, great topic. I have heard about that, crazy, and as sad as funny. What is it, a pyramid casino in Las Vegas that shines a light straight up so bright you can a newspaper in space. Madness.


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry