Luxurious Resort
This is me hidden in the shadow
Standing in this cold corner of this resort
I listen to the people who are laughing
Passing by this greenery lot.
They pretend to be happy
But are they? Or not?
This resort is luxurious and expensive
But how much can you pay for a clean room
When having a dirty soul'
How much can you pay for a beautiful view
When it's dark and ugliness inside of you'
How much can you pay for luxurious buffet dinner and food
When your inner hunger is screaming at you'
This is me hidden in the shadow
Sitting in front of my signature cocktail drink
How could anything ever be grander than the Eternal Feast?
How could you pay to buy something with a humans stamp
And not be eager to get God's signature on your thoughts and acts.
This is me hidden in the shadow
Falling down and kneeling hungry and worned.
Lord, don't forget me, at your Heavenly Triumph.
Copyright © Georgia Christoforou | Year Posted 2024