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Below are poems written by poet Rosemarie Quintal. Click the Next or Previous links below the poem to navigate between poems. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth. Thank you.

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Texas Rainbows Flicker a Lilibonelle

North Richland Hills grew a rainbow I wanted to hold in my hand
Wand for wishing I don’t know what to reach-ask for?
Plethora is sunshine below the bow along your Texas land
Donned a different approach—your rainbow opens a door!
Wand for wishing I don’t know what to reach-ask for?
Across your entire Internet page a rainbow foreshortens my path…
Pond of clouds reflects my question how can I climb the Texas Davis Mountain now? 
Lessons from past loss—do not want to invite even one iota of wrath!
Plethora is sunshine below the bow along your Texas land.
Oil slicking through your air also brought you a brilliant Houston rainbow. 
An aura like Houston’s is painted across a rest stop. Last June Randy’s
Voile rainbow springs 6 bandanas of sleeveless and shorted men into summer! 
Donned a different approach—your rainbow opens a door!
Where sun rises and melts diffusing, oil slicks again coloring your clouds.
Fondly I trace the swirl pouring eastward until a vanishing point soars.
Blue, red, oranges pine green, sky yellow, purple ever wises up a rainbow crowd. 

Wand for wishing I don’t know what to reach-ask for?
Cool spot appears in an Accuweather photo over the Texas Panhandle sky. 
Bonds-float-you appears in your photo sky, kited rainbow go for it spools for four!
Vool means very cool excitement acknowledging ice crystals in the air—to sigh 
Across your entire Internet page a rainbow foreshortens my path…
As train steam blows passing through Palestine Texas along the Neches
Glossy bow along the river’s edge highlights a stick like foot, it’s two toe’s monograph!
Lazz escaped from Houston Zoo—look out even for dead wood fetches.
Pond of clouds reflects my question how can I climb the Texas Davis Mountain now? 
Wildflower upswing baby blue eyes your Texas rainbow fields are classrooms
Of prickly pear still not available for diabetics, of skullcap for
Skullcap is a flower of earth mother Virgo as hypochondriac frazzles bloom
Loss—do not want to invite even one iota of wrath!
Red bud tree pops spring open in every shade of pink peace.
Butterfly weed blooms pollinate plants, but don’t grow on any cow’s path!
Will Larkspurs among your horses cause their pains to cease?

Plethora is sunshine along the bow across our Texas land
Where wildflowers inspire windsurfing, sails swim 600 miles of beaches!
Not as calm as it looks, so study your wind to stay upright and out of the sand!
Now I know why they measure wind in knots how all that strong wind preaches!

Copyright © Rosemarie Quintal | Year Posted 2011


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Date: 8/3/2011 2:54:00 PM

Congratulations on your poetry making it through round one in the PoetrySoup International Poetry contest RoseMarie. I wish you the best in the final round. Love, Carol
Date: 4/27/2011 5:00:00 AM

Congratulations on your well deserved poetry being featured this week Rosemarie. Love, Carol
Date: 4/25/2011 7:04:00 AM

Congratulations on your poem being featured this week, Rosemarie


Book: Reflection on the Important Things