a quest to find myself again
The days were brighter then,
When without the slightest effort, I’d succeed in making a good impression.
Now it seems no one knows me to be “good”,
How will they? I’ve hardly provided any proof
I used to swim in an ocean of praise,
And I’d bring home what I perceived to be, good grades.
My smile-wreaked of genuine ecstasy
Now it seems to be impregnated with melancholy.
Desolated and a mess,
I’m losing the best part of myself.
I feel as though I’m burning out like a candle,
One, I fear won’t ever rekindle.
My passion, I know has not yet, been misplaced,
Even at my darkest hour,
I refuse to let years of hard work go to waste.
It’s foolish to even think
That I’m on the brink
Of failing to chase a legacy
Created by the so-called “old” me.
To great lengths I’d go to get that girl back
And as I’m latching on to the faintest hope of getting her on track
I urge her not to abandon me and depart forever
Because I don’t know who I am without her.
Copyright © Sanika Abedin | Year Posted 2024