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Poems by Jesus De Castro

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Below are poems written by Philippines poet Jesus De Castro. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Jesus De Castro.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
08/27/2015 Retract Two Point Zero 445 Quatrain
07/27/2015 Fragment Fourteen Point Two 390 Quatrain
07/14/2015 Fragment Eighteen Point Nine 363 Triolet
07/08/2015 Fragment One One Two 393 Quatrain
07/08/2015 Eject Three Point Zero 393 Quatrain
07/08/2015 Drop Two Point Zero 386 Quatrain
06/22/2015 Fragment Sixty Six Point Two 347 Quatrain
06/16/2015 Fragment Thirteen Point Four 357 Quatrain
06/16/2015 Fragment Twenty Two Point Four 456 Quatrain
06/05/2015 Fragment Twenty Four Point Nine 419 Quatrain
05/27/2015 Shipless 378 Quatrain
04/22/2015 Unsingle 695 Quatrain
03/22/2015 Uncertainty 567 Quatrain
03/14/2015 Fragment Sixty Eight Point 9 470 Quatrain
03/09/2015 Fragment Sixty Eight Point Two 535 Quatrain
03/09/2015 Dumped Two Point One 476 Quatrain
03/08/2015 Bait 598 Quatrain
02/12/2015 Corrosive 459 Quatrain
02/09/2015 Revenge Six Point Zero 1508 Quatrain
02/04/2015 Dead Two Point Zero 372 Quatrain
01/29/2015 Vertigo 512 Quatrain
01/29/2015 Gamer 1133 Quatrain
01/29/2015 Rehab 544 Quatrain
01/29/2015 Sick Three Point Zero 409 Quatrain
01/29/2015 Stuck Three Point Zero 492 Quatrain
01/28/2015 Baggage 843 Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry