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Poems by Sharon Smith

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Sharon Smith. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Sharon Smith.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/26/2014 Spoonfang the Pudding Vampire 2274 Rhyme
02/09/2013 In a Hotel Room 725 Rhyme
02/06/2013 List Impossible 798 Free verse
02/02/2013 Gonna Chase Those Blues Away, To the Tune 'shotgun Blues' 776 Lyric
01/25/2013 Confessions of a Poetrysouper 664 Rhyme
01/23/2013 The Four Horsemen of the Amockalypse 916 Rhyme
01/23/2013 Stephen Fry 1240 Clerihew
01/23/2013 Tim Wonnacott 770 Clerihew
01/22/2013 Fairytale Footles 1261 Footle
01/22/2013 Just a Word 2423 Concrete
01/19/2013 The Magpie and the Butterfly, a Terzanelle 1467 Terzanelle
01/17/2013 Oh Uhura - To Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah 2012 Lyric
01/15/2013 Sir Archibald and the Black Knight - Part 2 1044 Ballad
01/15/2013 Sir Archibald and the Black Knight - Part 1 1067 Ballad
01/13/2013 Confidence 598 Rhyme
01/12/2013 A Squirrel's Treat 819 Rhyme
01/12/2013 William Shatner 1374 Clerihew
01/08/2013 Captain Concorde Comes To School 981 Rispetto
01/06/2013 Teddy 787 Rhyme
01/06/2013 Leonard Nimoy 1611 Clerihew
01/06/2013 The Videoblame 686 Rhyme
01/06/2013 A New Year's Limerick 2738 Limerick
12/19/2012 Peace Be With You Little Ones 656 Rhyme
12/18/2012 Memories of the Griffin 734 Terzanelle
12/16/2012 Nonascertainableness 784 Footle
12/16/2012 Temperance 684 Footle
12/16/2012 April Fool 954 Footle
12/16/2012 A Disappointing Present 1719 Footle
12/13/2012 The Twelve Days of Christmas 883 Lyric
12/11/2012 Christmas Without Magic 600 Rhyme
12/11/2012 In a Land Far Away Is a Tree 1253 Limerick
12/11/2012 A Dog and a Cat and a Flea 1986 Limerick
12/11/2012 On a Planet In Far Outer Space 1611 Limerick
12/11/2012 I'M Writing This Poem For My Dad 1261 Limerick
11/25/2012 The Known Path 686 Rhyme
11/24/2012 Edmund Clerihew Bently 748 Clerihew
11/22/2012 Griselda Blanco 1629 Clerihew
11/18/2012 Mum's Christmas Dinner 1250 Rhyme
11/15/2012 New Shoes 825 Rhyme
11/11/2012 In My Prime 750 Free verse
11/11/2012 A Man Is Working 1700 Haiku
11/10/2012 There Once Was a Pig 3943 Limerick
11/09/2012 Sun Sets Over Sea 860 Haiku
11/09/2012 Hope 671 Terzanelle
11/08/2012 The Passion 607 Free verse
11/08/2012 Icy Fingers Grasp -- 986 Haiku
11/07/2012 A Skewed Perspective, Thoughts On Joe Mavericks Spectacles 1103 Quintain (English)
11/07/2012 Great Destructive Wind 933 Haiku
11/07/2012 Fawke's Night Farewell, a Vignette 885 Verse
11/07/2012 Big Changes 645 Free verse
11/07/2012 A Blank Page 633 Rhyme
11/07/2012 My Special Day 1171 Free verse
11/06/2012 The Best Medicine 742 Acrostic
11/05/2012 Thanks To My Love 747 Rhyme
11/01/2012 Hair Dye 1676 Rhyme
11/01/2012 He Never Shook My Hand - Epilogue 765 Free verse
11/01/2012 He Never Shook My Hand - Part 4 696 Free verse
11/01/2012 He Never Shook My Hand - Part 3 716 Free verse
11/01/2012 He Never Shook My Hand - Part 2 679 Free verse
11/01/2012 He Never Shook My Hand- Part 1 636 Free verse
11/01/2012 He Never Shook My Hand - Prologue 701 Free verse
10/31/2012 Waiting 627 Free verse
10/31/2012 Remembrance 1208 Shape
10/29/2012 Dreaming With Butterflies 7319 Concrete
10/29/2012 He Claims Not To Be a Geek 999 Terza Rima
10/29/2012 Ferrumergophobia 707 Rhyme
10/29/2012 The Facebook Hook 637 Rhyme
10/29/2012 On Life, Death and Rebirth 983 Rhyme
10/28/2012 Crossroads 681 Rhyme
10/28/2012 Spectacles 2052 Concrete
10/27/2012 I Am a Displaced Scouser 3540 Rhyme
10/27/2012 Where Oh Where Did Autumn Go 875 Rhyme
10/27/2012 There Once Was a Young Boy Called Tim 2660 Limerick
10/27/2012 Cupcakes 1388 Footle
10/27/2012 Olde Hymns 634 Rhyme
10/26/2012 Christmyths 841 Rhyme
10/26/2012 Gran's Got Gerbils 1295 Rhyme
10/26/2012 Schmetterling 722 Rhyme
10/15/2012 Joan of Arc 752 Rhyme
10/14/2012 Logistics - a Parody of a Certain Delivery Company's Television Advert, To the Tune That's Amore 2408 Lyric
10/14/2012 Sir Isaac Newton 1353 Clerihew
10/13/2012 Full House 1064 Rhyme
10/12/2012 His Smile 1096 Rhyme
10/12/2012 Migraine 1048 Limerick
10/12/2012 An Introduction To Science 878 Rhyme
10/11/2012 Torque of a Dipole 951 Limerick
10/10/2012 Thanks Banks 740 Rhyme
10/10/2012 He Will Rock You -The Story of David and Goliath To the Tune of Queen's We Will Rock You 1121 Lyric
10/10/2012 Too Late 774 Rhyme
10/09/2012 Ode To a Fence-Sitter 1012 Rhyme
10/08/2012 Newton's Laws 5057 Limerick
10/08/2012 The Maid of Honour's Speech 999 Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry